[XenMods] Announcements [Deleted]

You may need to go into debug mode -> admin panel -> code event listeners -> the announcements addon listener for template hooks -> change execution order to a lower number.
Thanks. Tried it. Didn't work, even when I removed Xenporta Recent Threads block and tried the Recent Threads block in BD Widget Framework by xfrocks.
Hey it would be nice if you can switch off the index view and to define the Boards where it should be announced ;).
I would pay for this extension ;)
Interesting take on this add-on and just downloaded it which I'll give it a test run tonight. Excellent work Daniel. :thumbsup:
Hey it would be nice if you can switch off the index view and to define the Boards where it should be announced ;).
I would pay for this extension ;)
This was one of my first add ons, I haven't touched it in a while. I can definitely improve it in some ways. Thanks for the suggestion.
Now I have some customizations in my themes that aren't carried over with your add-on, such as changing the Node title point size, and the fact that I omit "Views" from the index. Is there any way you can make your add-on reflect whatever design changes are present in one's forum without playing around with it?
Possibly but I would have to know where you made these customizations. Are they options or template edits or something else.
Unfortunately, whenever this addon is activated my XenForo reports lots of server errors on all kinds of actions. It can happen when adding tags to XenTag or simply editing a an older entry.

Sorry it's in German, but it says Server error. You can check the Java Script Console for details but I did not find anything there whenever I looked.
That's a start. Also there is the title, Announcement Title and also Start Date (which apparently isn't configurable in any way I can see). How do I change the former and remove the latter?
I gave this one a try - and initially I see a couple things which would be nice to address.....

1. I set an announcement and then edited it (didn't change the stickiness, etc.) and it disabled the announcement...

2. It would be really nice to not (or optionally) have the announcement show up in the main forum node list - that is, it should show only within the forums (or be optionally set to).

3. Ideally, it should be able to be set as a announcement in one forum - or in all forums. Or, better yet, select checkboxes for each one you want it it. (although some people have to many forums, it gets complicated).
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