[XenMods] Announcements [Deleted]

Oh I just tested it, it does a completely announce, even in the homepage, is there a way to set it up to be sticky inside the forums & sub-forums only?

I just want to add a global form rules and have it inside every forum. just not the homepage forum :)
Oh I just tested it, it does a completely announce, even in the homepage, is there a way to set it up to be sticky inside the forums & sub-forums only?

I just want to add a global form rules and have it inside every forum. just not the homepage forum :)

Good idea, I'll add this setting for the next release.

Oh and when I have sub-forums, the announcement goes under the sub-forums, should be above

Good catch, I'll also fix this for the next release. In the mean time if you want you can edit what hook it uses in the file: /library/PHCannouncements/Listener/Hook.php
class PHCannouncements_Listener_Hook
public static function listen($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
if ($hookName == 'forum_list_nodes' || $hookName == 'forum_view_pagenav_before')
$globalModel = XenForo_Model::create('PHCannouncements_Model_Threads');
$threads = $globalModel->Announcements();

$hookParams['announcements'] = $threads;

$contents = $template->create('PHCannouncements', $hookParams) . $contents;

In order to remove it from the forum homepage, I should remove
if ($hookName == 'forum_list_nodes' || $hookName == 'forum_view_pagenav_before')
To remove from the homepage change

if ($hookName == 'forum_list_nodes' || $hookName == 'forum_view_pagenav_before')


if ($hookName == 'forum_view_pagenav_before')
To remove from the homepage change

if ($hookName == 'forum_list_nodes' || $hookName == 'forum_view_pagenav_before')


if ($hookName == 'forum_view_pagenav_before')
Woops! indeed, it works amazingly! you're like a magician :)

There is the other issue (inside sub-forum, above the inner sub-forums) I guess it is some what related to PageContent, but can't find it @ Hook
I just looked, unfortunately there is not another hook higher up on the template list. If you're using 1.2 you can set a TMS rule to put it somewhere higher. The template you're looking in is forum_view
Thanks man

I'm going to be doing any update soon. Are there any changes anyone would like to see?
Only thing I can think of at the moment is the phrase that says 'Announcement Title' I wish it just said 'Announcement: Please Read' or let us configure the phrase through admincp.
try: announcement_title

This was when I was just getting used to the structure of xF and I didn't really maintain consistency in how I named things (still don't do it perfect)
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Not sure if this is something you can fix or not but I need the announcement blocks at the top of the forum list above other blocks. What hook or how are you posting this above the forum list? I ask because when using XenPorta, any block above the forum node lists actually goes above the announcement. See my site for example.
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