@Chris D, is it possible for a admin to override this questionable preference? There are many reasons this would be a massive improvement.
The official HTML spec says this is wrong, as does MDN
It should not really be up for debate that line break tags should not be used to space paragraphs.
The MDN agrees. The
official W3 HTML spec has the following to say:
"br elements must be used only for line breaks that are actually part of the content, as in poems or addresses."
Bad accessibility, no paragraph pacing or navigation on screen readers
As far as accessibility is concerned, line breaks are read over without a pause (like a space between words) in the screen readers that I have tried where as paragraphs have appropriate pacing. It also breaks the ability for reader users to
jump between paragraphs.
iOS errors with double line breaks
Opting to use paragraphs instead of line breaks on hard returns plus a bit of CSS to reflect this change in the editor and post view would essentially solve my problem with shift deactivating on iOS after using two new lines to manually indicate a new paragraph.
I have many users complaining about the post editor. Cursor jumping to beginning when backspacing or deleting wrong text iOS not keeping shift on when entering 2 line breaks and turning it on at seemingly random times (very annoying) Entering 2 line breaks on list does not close the list as...
It is simply bad typesetting
From a styling perspective, I would prefer to have less space than a double BR provides to separate paragraphs. It is not proper typesetting to have a whole line height between paragraphs. It would also make it much easier to provide consistent spacing between embeds, new lines, quotes, etc. which is an annoying problem currently.
I am not sure in what sense that a double line break can be considered a valid way to represent paragraphs as you suggest.
I would expect that Google is smart enough to compensate for poor HTML semantics and gloss over line breaks as paragraphs but this is besides the point.
I would strongly urge you to reconsider using the line breaks in place of a proper paragraph tag or would be very grateful for a workaround to force this on our individual forums if desired. Doing this in 2.2 seems like the perfect time. I am very excited for all of the other awesome changes and love XenForo overall. This would make it perfect for me.
If not, I would love some insight into why this is the preference for XenForo?
Official W3 Spec: