XF 2.2 Prevent the editor from converting paragraph p tags to line break br tags


I understand the XF editor does not support paragraph p tags <p></p>. This is definitely a major issue if anyone wants to create articles that make semantic sense for machine learning systems like the Google crawler.

I've made custom BB codes to manually wrap text with paragraph tags, but found these tags were automatically converted to <br>s. Is there anything I can do to prevent the editor from doing this?
See here and vote for the suggestion:

This is a hopeless vote. XF has long been aware of the issue. I guess this might be a technical challenge for them and it does not matter very much in their eyes.
Oh my gosh, I'm so struggling with this right now. It'd be really nice to be able to not have to consider WordPress for articles. I was going merrily along thinking I could do so. But, I feel like I'm hitting a hard brick wall on trying to nicely format articles (a LOT of articles). P-tags are absolutely 100% required for proper formatting. I can't figure out how to get them in there! Are there any work-arounds until this is resolved?
Oh my gosh, I'm so struggling with this right now. It'd be really nice to be able to not have to consider WordPress for articles. I was going merrily along thinking I could do so. But, I feel like I'm hitting a hard brick wall on trying to nicely format articles (a LOT of articles). P-tags are absolutely 100% required for proper formatting. I can't figure out how to get them in there! Are there any work-arounds until this is resolved?

Oh my gosh, exactly the same feeling :cry:

I've decided to entertain the painstakingly created content with WP, after a huge struggle.
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