New member
Sorry about my bad english!
I'm living in Iran and here because of stupid inflations and currency and goverment issues (we are the third: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_inflation_rate ) it's really hard for me to pay 140$ !
And i was wondering if it is possible to lower the price of the license by removing extras such as 12 months of ticket support?!
I know it sounds stupid, but 140$ for me here is like tripling our money!...
And i have some other questions:
1. are the addons free or should i pay for them too? when you buy a vbulletin license, you can free download most of the addons from vb.org... is it like this for xenforo too?
2. says here :
Sorry about my bad english!
I'm living in Iran and here because of stupid inflations and currency and goverment issues (we are the third: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_inflation_rate ) it's really hard for me to pay 140$ !
And i was wondering if it is possible to lower the price of the license by removing extras such as 12 months of ticket support?!
I know it sounds stupid, but 140$ for me here is like tripling our money!...
And i have some other questions:
1. are the addons free or should i pay for them too? when you buy a vbulletin license, you can free download most of the addons from vb.org... is it like this for xenforo too?
2. says here :
if i don't want to upgrade my xenforo to a new version, do i still have to pay this $40? if i won't pay this, does my license expire and count as a illegal installation?Support and upgrade access can currently be extended for $40 for an additional 12 months