XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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Switching to 2.0 when it comes out would be like having migrated to 1.0 the day it came out. There is no point. I expect 6 months to a year before we move due to 1 custom addon we had developed and the fact that so far no replacement for XenPorta is in sight. Someone would try to argue on my last point but I haven't seen a 100% drop in replacement for it or better yet vB Advanced which Xenporta still falls short of as well. I will of course have a theme done by the time 2.0 goes gold. The major paid plugins like XMG will likely be done by the time our custom work is ported over. I am sure all the simple addon's that are very popular will have long made the transition if needed as well.


Rain - which plugin on your sign is the custom one you speak of? I'm interested in taking a look. Thanks
Rain - which plugin on your sign is the custom one you speak of? I'm interested in taking a look. Thanks

Its not a public facing plugin. In fact we have several other plugins that are not public facing for our game server admins to view server logs and screenshots etc. But all the others are written by me so I am not worried about 2.0 delays.
I am desperately hoping that xenForo can pay some much needed attention to the email templates system in the next version.
Personally, I'd like to restyle all the emails sent by xenForo to be responsive and contain additional information.
The present system makes this practically impossible.
Any chance XF 2.0 will possibly have an updated XR with paid resources functionality built-in? ... Been waiting for a decent integration but so far none. :(
Whatever comes next i believe will be amazing. I personally think xenforo is amazing now so anything better I just cant really imagine.
Maybe I overlooked something but it would be nice to hear from the core devs what their vision / masterplan for 2.0 looks like. Also something like: yes, we`d like to hear from you what you`d like 2.0 to be or no, we prefer to keep our visions for ourselves.
XenForo devs never give a roadmap. I was actually quite surprised they announced XF 2 so soon. Of course they want to hear from us what they want 2.0 to have in it. That's what the suggestions forum is for. Anything you want to see in XF, put it in there.
XenForo 1.0.0 was released on March 8, 2011.

I think that we shall see the version 2.0.0 around this date. (March 2015)
I think you would be best to manage your own expectations a bit better than that.

The date XF 1.0 was released isn't particularly relevant.

Assuming that XF 2.0 began being developed roughly around the time this thread was created (July) it seems unrealistic to me to expect a major release within 8 months. I personally wouldn't even expect to see any sort of alpha/beta by then.

The fact is, really, only KAM know the exact current status. It would be irresponsible of them to give any dates now because that's not a good way of managing expectations in case it proves inaccurate. So what we have to do is just manage those expectations ourselves. To do that, personally, I'm not even obsessing about when. It's happening, that's all that matters and I'm sure that when there is information to be given, it will be given.

More waiting is required :)
More waiting is required :)

Patience is a virtue, as the old saying goes. :)

I'm thinking about the other forum systems I have used in the past, especially the old freeware boards like phpBB and SMF which gave me unrelenting grief over the years. I listened to tons of empty promises from the phpBB developers about the upcoming 3.0 version that I hung onto my ancient but heavily modified 2.x version even well after 3.0 limped its way into the marketplace. 3.0 arrived I think in 2007, give or take a year. Yet seven years later, it's still essentially the same thing with only incremental improvements. SMF has been dead for years--they are still on the same version of software I installed several years ago, with again only the most incremental of changes (with the usual empty promises about greater things ahead shortly). MyBB I tried on one site and pretty much instantly disliked it, but I won't go there. ;) Nor will I go into the notoriously uneven support I've ever gotten from any of them.

So it's no mystery as to why I only create forums with professional software now, and not freebies. You get what you pay for. (Or I could say, I've paid dearly for having used phpBB and SMF over the years! ;) )

But look at how much XF has changed since 2011, in comparison to those. They are not even four full years into the releases yet, and there's already a 2.0 version in the works. We've had five point releases along the way, each adding new features. And that even includes the "dark months" with the legal hiccup. Considering the development team is only two persons, that is impressive.

I have seen posts on other forums out there, declaring what XF "should" or "should not" do, and it is ridiculous. Some think it will take years. Others say no, they should stick to point releases. Some are already hating on 2.0 without even having seen it yet, and will never upgrade because it will "break everything."

Know what? That's called progress. XenForo as a company and as a product needs to move forward. And they need to move forward now. That is what 2.0 is all about. It's true there are competing forum systems out there, but in my opinion, XF is also competing with social media, having to compete with the Twitters and facebooks and Google+s which are hosting conversations and creating communities. The competition is a rapidly moving target.

It's that "newness" that will keep XF in the running as serious competition to the others. Without the baggage of management, a board of directors, marketing and other outside influences, I feel XF is more agile, more flexible to adapt to what is currently happening in both competing forum software along with social media. XF always needs to be easy and welcoming to use, but it needs those advanced features and continuous development to remain on the leading edge of forum software.

We won't know when 2.0 will be here, but I know it'll be along in a timely and competitive way, and that is good enough for me. When it is released, it can't be a half-baked flop (like a certain competitor's 5.0 release ;) ) but having used several beta releases which were surprisingly stable, I know that will not be the case. 1.x seems more like a "starter" version for our developers--they've learned quite a bit from it, and 2.0 is how they can realize that large backlog of suggestions and introduce other new features, only by creating their own new framework which can adapt to all of these (and future) changes.

A major rewrite that breaks the add-ons I personally use will be inconvenient, true, but as a forum admin and owner of several sites, any software I introduce needs to be current, fresh and not a few years behind the times. It's the only way I can keep my sites competitive. That is what counts. The price of a XenForo renewal is only a small part of the expense of running communities, but it is an investment that so far has paid us back well and has grown our traffic. That is what counts the most.
The sad part of Xenforo is the lack of good addons / addons that use the real features of XF, there is may addons without ANY decent alternative, some of them where developers already did stop working on, if they break, it's forever, and of course, the "Copy/Pastes" of vBulletin/IPB addons on Xenforo, not making any real use of the Xenforo features itself.

My my hopes are also for a portal finally to be integrated on 2.0.
Xenforo should invest more on what was a big selling point when it came about: The Social Features, instead of follow the IPB style of having a huge, over-featured/complex script.
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