XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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It costs $40 to upgrade if you only have a XF license. Can be more if you own any official add-ons.

There may be other costs in terms of new styles, add-ons, etc. but they're not a prerequisite to trying out the software.
Found that now Chris, thank you.

Still costs to have a look though and the demo is of no help.

If you have an active XF1 license then the upgrade is free.

There's also the demo.

There's also all the sites running the software themselves.

None of that costs.
The demo doesn't help as an admin I would like to go into the control panel and take a nice long look
and play with a few things.
I just signed up to the demo and can't see any way of getting into the control panel. Same with other sites, they aren't going to let
me into their control panel so I can have a look. :)
It’s a fully featured demo. Once logged in, you will see an Admin link at the top. That gets you in.

You’re making a fair few erroneous assumptions. Sometimes it’s worth just asking or giving things a bit more time.
Same with other sites, they aren't going to let
me into their control panel so I can have a look. :)

Actually quite a few people set up public admin demos for the community before the official demo allowed it (which it now does). I don't know if they're still up but I think @Liam W was one of them.
I have had no problem following this thread. Maybe go find a threaded software where it benefits you more?

vBulletin has it (introduced in vBulletin 3 as it says, somewhere around 2002) ;).

What is the point of threaded view, I wonder? I never used it on my vBulletin powered platform (.... erm no point in arguing about who personally needs feature X and who doesn't). I can see why threaded view on Facebook works really well on certain levels, but why would it be needed on a sophisticated forum platform like Xenforo? Xenforo offers smart quote functionality, so that makes it possible to make it clear to what content you are reacting/replying. On Facebook for example quote functionality does not exists. So you need other tools to be able to let discussions flow in the right direction and then threaded discussions/views come in handy.
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Threaded view goes way back to the character-based WWWBoard script. I started using WebBBS in 1997, which was based on WWWBoard, so it existed prior to that. UBB was the big name back around the year 2000 (Ultimate Bulletin Board) and it ran via CGI scripting and without a database, if I remember it correctly. UBB was pretty much the basic layout idea behind the kind of forum systems that would follow like vBulletin, phpBB, SMF (which was another name previously), etc., and the newer systems like XF. At one point, UBB came out with a short-lived product called UBB Threads which I rarely saw used anywhere, and it offered the threaded view; Phorum was a PHP-based threaded view forum that also did not gain too many followers.

I can only think of one major forum still using something based on the old WWWBoard format: Audio Asylum. The members there wouldn't change it for anything, but so many others (like myself) find it cumbersome to read through and don't even bother visiting. It has been kludged together with extra features to help combat spam (remember, these ancient mid 90s scripts had no need for logins as the flaming/trolling/sock-puppet/spamming mentality had yet to overtake them). But try reading through it a bit. I used to prefer a threaded style, but now I have gotten so used to this style of forum that I can't readapt to my old ways anymore. And with it being about as mobile-hostile as a site can be (try navigating it on a smartphone...ouch!), it surprises me they still have any traffic there.
Threaded view goes way back to the character-based WWWBoard script. I started using WebBBS in 1997, which was based on WWWBoard, so it existed prior to that. UBB was the big name back around the year 2000 (Ultimate Bulletin Board) and it ran via CGI scripting and without a database, if I remember it correctly. UBB was pretty much the basic layout idea behind the kind of forum systems that would follow like vBulletin, phpBB, SMF (which was another name previously), etc., and the newer systems like XF. At one point, UBB came out with a short-lived product called UBB Threads which I rarely saw used anywhere, and it offered the threaded view; Phorum was a PHP-based threaded view forum that also did not gain too many followers.

O yes.... UBB. Those were the times. I forgot all about that but your post brings back good memories. I remember investigating that before I opted for vBulletin in 2001, which was a fantastic product (2.x and 3.x series), until... well :X3:.

The normal linear view of any forum software always suited my needs, in fact... I don't even know why the term 'thread' still exists and is consciously chosen for certain forum products. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that in my language (Dutch) this term is hardly ever used to describe forum topics/discussions and it is much more common in the English language? I still get questions about it from Dutch forum-members asking what a 'thread' means. Most people in The Netherlands speak English quite well (for a Dutch person that is ;-) , so they know what a topic is and they know what a discussion is. But a thread? Sounds like a threat :giggle: and that is how far they come in the understanding of the word.


when will we see any news, plans or announcements regarding XF 2.1?

What is the plan for 2.1 actually?
I hope it breathes a bit of life into 2.0...I am still on 1.5, theres just not enough to move to the newer version for me.
yap same here i thinkin about it but there is no any benefit to upgrade 1.5 to XF2 i dont see it, and XF2 fail on small things who essentially needed for any admin, for now stay on 1.5 forever :barefoot:
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