XenForo 1.0.1

I see the importer has been improved (and a couple of ideas borrowed ;)).
Which ideas? I guess it's true that there are only a limited way of doing certain things given specific data, as I can honestly say I've not looked at your vB4 importer at all.
Updated to 1.0.1 and manually updated a few templates too. Fairly painless, though I would love to see some sort of.... how do i explain.... template comparison screen in the future (i.e. your current template code on left, master template code on right) to make manual edits easier?

Thanks guys.
Problem is ... 1.0.0 is so perfect .. I do not feel the urge to upgrade, at all
The devs should leave a bug or two so we have a reason to upgrade, if they code such a perfect solution then where am I going to find my motivation to upgrade?

Actually, I went through the bug list, to see if there was something that would make me upgrade, but there are a lot of minor things and details, not as if there has been a serious bug from the first release ...a css here, a css there, a pixel here, an overlay there. Yeah, I can live with those.

The upgraded importer is cool, actually, but I have already kick started my forum since beta days and I am now operating live so .. unless the importer can do just the reputation -> likes and nothing else .. :( It would've been good, though. Although I like concentrating in the future and what's imported, is imported. Hell, I even have some dated smilies from UBB from posts made 10 years ago .. not that I care too much about them.

Oh, I am rambling. This is an excellent and awesome release :)
The upgraded importer is cool, actually, but I have already kick started my forum since beta days and I am now operating live so .. unless the importer can do just the reputation -> likes and nothing else .. :( It would've been good, though.
If the upgrade is still 'running' - ie, you didn't run the completion step, you can indeed now import the reputation as likes.
hello kier and everyone
what a nice day today,
what new features we can expect to see in version 1.1?. I hope it includes RTL support :)
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