[XenConcept] Login As User

[XenConcept] Login As User [Paid] 2.1.1

No permission to buy ($15.00)
I did not understand .
I found a very slight issue with styles, not quite the same though.

If you choose a different style for logged in as user (which is a great feature thank you!) then that style is still chosen when you revert to yourself as user.
Admin has style {name_of_style}
Only this style is allowed.
Admin logs in as user Test;
Admin switches back.
The style is now the default style.
I'm an admin and have replicated this problem found by a moderator on our forum:

For reference here are some dummy usernames to help people follow along:

Admin (that is me)
Moderator 1 (moderator that reported this problem to me)
Moderator Test (user that we created with mod permissions)
Different User (registered user with little to no activity)

"Moderator 1" tried to login as "Moderator Test" (test account setup with certain permissions) and was subsequently logged in successfully. This was evident by the avatar and username over in the profile section of the right side of the screen. However, up in the moderator menu on the same screen it says "Logged In as 'Different User' ".

I replicated this by trying to login is as Moderator Test. Interestingly, the color scheme for Different User remained when I clicked "Revert to user 'Different User' " and brought me back to Admin.

I haven't been able to replicate this with any other username.

Any ideas?
Well. between the time I posted 17 minutes ago and when you replied. I did a rebuild of the add-on. I can't replicate it now. If it happens again I'll post screen shots for our reference. Sorry for the false alarm.
Well. between the time I posted 17 minutes ago and when you replied. I did a rebuild of the add-on. I can't replicate it now. If it happens again I'll post screen shots for our reference. Sorry for the false alarm.

Ok, keep me informed .
OK, I rebuilt the add-on and I couldn't get it to replicate. All is good, right!?

The moderator who originally reported the problem was asked to try again and reported back that he continues to see the problem. When I went back in to see if I could get it to occur again, I am now only able to replicate when I login as the moderator who originally reported the problem. So, it broke again?

As I was typing this, I realized I didn't take a screen shot as promised. When I went back in as the modreator, the admin menu showed me the correct revert to username - confused???? So...it fixed itself?

I'm going to disable the one username that seems to be causing the issues and see if the moderator can still replicate the problem. The user has been inactive for over five years so I don't think there is any harm in trying it.
OK, I rebuilt the add-on and I couldn't get it to replicate. All is good, right!?

The moderator who originally reported the problem was asked to try again and reported back that he continues to see the problem. When I went back in to see if I could get it to occur again, I am now only able to replicate when I login as the moderator who originally reported the problem. So, it broke again?

As I was typing this, I realized I didn't take a screen shot as promised. When I went back in as the modreator, the admin menu showed me the correct revert to username - confused???? So...it fixed itself?

I'm going to disable the one username that seems to be causing the issues and see if the moderator can still replicate the problem. The user has been inactive for over five years so I don't think there is any harm in trying it.


Keep me informed. I do not understand what's going on.
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