XenCentral Multisite System

XenCentral Multisite System [Paid] 1.11.0

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@XCentral Is there any ETA yet on a release to support CTA's Feature Threads and custom user fields?
+1 for CTA Featured Threads.

Does anyone have CTA Featured threads on one URL and Xenporta on another URL? Does that even work, or do they both need to have the same mod?

For the users who have installed the multisite mod, are you doing anything to hide site content to guests to avoid getting hit by google site indexing duplicate content? If you aren't hiding content, have you noticed anything happen to your rankings by keeping the same data on 2 different URLs? How long have you been running the software, and are your forums very large in size? Post count totals?

These are my biggest concerns keeping me from pulling the trigger right now. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
If you show the same content on 2 sites then Google is likely to hit you with a duplicate content penalty. Most likely the website that had the content first will be in the clear, but the other website will get buried by Google.

Better not show the same nodes on multiple sites. Not until @XCentral implements a solution for this.
If you show the same content on 2 sites then Google is likely to hit you with a duplicate content penalty. Most likely the website that had the content first will be in the clear, but the other website will get buried by Google.

Better not show the same nodes on multiple sites. Not until @XCentral implements a solution for this.
Would you say the same thing regarding the usernames being identical? It seems like having identical usernames would hurt your google results as well. I never ran the vbulletin version either, so I'm not sure how people would combat this problem.
Is there a full list of the add-ons that this mod supports? I see some users asking for specific things, but I can't seem to find a full list of add-ons that will definitely work without conflict?
  1. XenCentral Ad Server
  2. XenForo Resource Manager
  3. [SurreyForum] XenKingDir - Business / Links Directory
  4. XenZine Articles
  5. [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)
  6. [8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)
  7. Nodes As Tabs
  8. [bd] Widget Framework
  9. XFA - Better Blogs
  10. XenForo Media Gallery (turning off member albums doesn't work. i.e. duplicate content)
  11. Vaultwiki (integration not working yet, as it shows the same wiki homepage for all sites)
  12. Showcase
  13. XenReviews
  14. Sportsbook
Is it safe to say that every other add-on not listed above will definitely break if it were used? I don't know if others have other add-ons working that aren't on that list? I have quite a few things running that aren't listed above. Just curious.
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for the suggestions and sorry for the delay with the implementations. We are very busy recently with some other projects, but we will consider having look at them and implement asap.

Is it safe to say that every other add-on not listed above will definitely break if it were used? I don't know if others have other add-ons working that aren't on that list? I have quite a few things running that aren't listed above. Just curious.

The product doesn't break the functionality of any addon. Supported addons means, that the product enhances these addons to work in multisite-way, instead of having their functionality only. This is mainly related to categories/pages managed by addons, which by default are the same on all domains, but when the addon is "supported" you are able to create the "category" and make it available under one domain only.

If you show the same content on 2 sites then Google is likely to hit you with a duplicate content penalty. Most likely the website that had the content first will be in the clear, but the other website will get buried by Google.

Better not show the same nodes on multiple sites. Not until @XCentral implements a solution for this.

We would appreciate your suggestions on how exactly do you see the "fix" for this situation. Search engines are meant to analyze the sites and rank them based on real user experience. So if you decide to have entire nodes with their threads under different domains, it should be considered that this content will also be indexed by search engines as such and will be considered as duplicate content. Even if we would implement domain-based forum permissions, using which you can deny the access to some forums for some particular usergroup (e.g. guests), there may be admins who may want to do the same for another content, e.g. to show only some Resources categories to some usergroups on a per-domain basis. And these implementations seem to be separate for each addon. Please let us know your thoughts on this and we will see if we can implement anything like this.

Thank you!
The product doesn't break the functionality of any addon. Supported addons means, that the product enhances these addons to work in multisite-way, instead of having their functionality only. This is mainly related to categories/pages managed by addons, which by default are the same on all domains, but when the addon is "supported" you are able to create the "category" and make it available under one domain only.
I appreciate the response, but I'm still a bit confused on your response to me. I thought if you installed your mod you're only able to log into one admincp.

To follow up, if you only have access to one admincp, is it even possible to have one site running brogan's CTA featured threads, and another one running xenporta? I see xenporta is supported, but CTA isn't. Do both domains need to be running the same type of portal? Maybe I'm answering my own question, and that it's not possible to have different mods installed on each domain?
We would appreciate your suggestions on how exactly do you see the "fix" for this situation.
The solution to this situation is to implement guest node viewing permissions per domain. This would control:
- view node
- View threads/entry by others
- View thread/entry content

This would allow the admin to restrict the node from guests and search engines. Or it would allow the admin to show the node, but not threads/entries. Or to show the node and threads, but restrict thread/entry content.
I appreciate the response, but I'm still a bit confused on your response to me. I thought if you installed your mod you're only able to log into one admincp.

To follow up, if you only have access to one admincp, is it even possible to have one site running brogan's CTA featured threads, and another one running xenporta? I see xenporta is supported, but CTA isn't. Do both domains need to be running the same type of portal? Maybe I'm answering my own question, and that it's not possible to have different mods installed on each domain?

Yes, there is one single Admin Panel. You can use both domains to login to it, but both will have the same content, will show the same number of users etc. just because it is actually one XenForo installation.

The addon allows to choose the active addons per-domain. This way you can enable XenPorta on one domain, and disable it on another. No specific support should be needed for this to be implemented (so even with CTA not being supported you can still enable/disable it per domain). As our product is itself an addon, there is no 100% guarantee, that it can control other addons completely without any issues. We will do our best to solve any conflics that occur, but we can't be completely sure, that this per-domain enabling/disabled will work for all addons, including CTA Threads or XenPorta.

Thank you!
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