Xen Pushover (Push Notifications) [Deleted]

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I would strongly recommend trophy points, as they promote quality over quantity.

Here is a list of what I "reward" with trophy points
  • Likes
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  • Membership Duration (1 year, 2 years, etc)
  • Push Notifications Enabled
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  • Staff Position Promotion
Everything that brings content and adds to the value of the board.
I like the idea of this add-on, I really do. I've been using it for a few months now, and it works.

My issue is that it's clunky. When I say it's clunky, I don't mean that the coding is bad. I mean that the fact that you need to have an entirely separate app installed (pushover) is clunky, and the fact that you have to jump through several hoops to set it up.

I realize this is not the developers fault, it's an issue with iOS / Android. I wish there was a way to allow push notifications without the need for an addition app.

But, this just circles back to the fact that XenForo desperately needs it's own app. Tapatalk is just garbage, and there's nothing out there to fill that void... Sigh.

I finally ended up uninstalling this add-on today, but it's only because none of my members were using it. They were all complaining about how you had to install the extra app and go through a setup process.
I like the idea of this add-on, I really do. I've been using it for a few months now, and it works.

My issue is that it's clunky. When I say it's clunky, I don't mean that the coding is bad. I mean that the fact that you need to have an entirely separate app installed (pushover) is clunky, and the fact that you have to jump through several hoops to set it up.

I realize this is not the developers fault, it's an issue with iOS / Android. I wish there was a way to allow push notifications without the need for an addition app.

But, this just circles back to the fact that XenForo desperately needs it's own app. Tapatalk is just garbage, and there's nothing out there to fill that void... Sigh.

I finally ended up uninstalling this add-on today, but it's only because none of my members were using it. They were all complaining about how you had to install the extra app and go through a setup process.
an alternative is this:
(but doesn't work on iOS)
Awesome plugin, instantly bought it! :)

I have only one little question, Pushover directs me to the new message but the alert on the top right is not cleared. So after seeing the new messaged (pushed by Pushover) the top righ alert button still shows (1). Any idea how to "fix/clear" that?

Awesome plugin, instantly bought it! :)

I have only one little question, Pushover directs me to the new message but the alert on the top right is not cleared. So after seeing the new messaged (pushed by Pushover) the top righ alert button still shows (1). Any idea how to "fix/clear" that?

@Xon has an add-on named "Alert Improvements" which should solve that. XF doesn't mark alerts viewed when you view the content they relate to.
Awesome plugin, instantly bought it! :)

I have only one little question, Pushover directs me to the new message but the alert on the top right is not cleared. So after seeing the new messaged (pushed by Pushover) the top righ alert button still shows (1). Any idea how to "fix/clear" that?

I was 100% sure that incorporating XenPushover is what actually did this in the first place. I noticed the functionality of clearing alerts on TAZ and asked, it should be a side effect of this addon...the "alert Improvements" addon mimics that functionality without needing XenPushover.

So I'm not sure why you weren't seeing that in the first place. Default XF does not clear alerts until you actually look at the alerts, even if you've read the thread.....
I was 100% sure that incorporating XenPushover is what actually did this in the first place. I noticed the functionality of clearing alerts on TAZ and asked, it should be a side effect of this addon...the "alert Improvements" addon mimics that functionality without needing XenPushover.

So I'm not sure why you weren't seeing that in the first place. Default XF does not clear alerts until you actually look at the alerts, even if you've read the thread.....

The Pushover plugin does NOT clear the alerts. With the Alert Improvement it does it. So what is exactly your problem now?^^
Hmmm, @Chris D I installed this addon and created API aplication in Pushover panel. I added API key and Subscription code but link in user panel to External Accounts page is not showing, and when I try manually go to External Accounts page it is blank.
On my forum facebook, twitter and google+ integration is disabled so External Accounts page never show up in user menu, but now when Pushover intergration is added, link has to be there.
When I enabled some default external accounts, link show up, but on that page there is no pushover

Here is screenshot from ACP

No shame :)

Generally I automatically add permissions to most add ons now (and this is even easier in XF2) but when this is updated in the future I'll ensure that the permission stuff is made clearer.
I don't know if this is a feature or a bug:

Over the weekend I had a server error message. Pushover notified me of this as expected. I acknowledged the Pushover warning, checked the error and didn't delete it (I didn't have time to investigate further and wanted to leave it until this week to look at). There was only one server error message and since then I've not had any more.

However, at roughly the same time each evening I am receiving another Pushover alert for the original server error. I don't appear to have to acknowledge this one (usually if you don't it nags you until you do). However, whatever I do, I still get a new Pushover alert each evening at roughly the same time.

Ideally it would be better to receive only Pushover alerts for new server errors rather than reminders for existing (acknowledged) ones which you may want to keep for a short period whilst investigating the cause of the error.
I don't know if this is a feature or a bug:
It's a feature. ;) I can confirm this. Did not find it a problem since Server Errors are essential and one might miss the first alarm. However, making this optional would be a great thing.
Did not find it a problem since Server Errors are essential and one might miss the first alarm.
Whilst you might miss the first alarm, you will continue to get them every 10 minutes (?) until you hit the Acknowledge button within the notification. That's sufficient for letting you know that there is a server error. It's not really necessary to get a reminder every 24 hours, especially if you are aware of the error and want to keep the error message for a few days for further investigation.
So this is odd, Pushover stopped alerting me yesterday for new posts on here, which wasn't a total surprise as I figured that was related to the XF2 rollout, but it also stopped working for me on my local forum that I admin, and I think TAZ as well...anyone else see this?
So this is odd, Pushover stopped alerting me yesterday for new posts on here, which wasn't a total surprise as I figured that was related to the XF2 rollout, but it also stopped working for me on my local forum that I admin, and I think TAZ as well...anyone else see this?
Mine still works normally on TAZ. I don't use it for this site though.
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