Xen Product Manager [Deleted]

@Chris D Do you have any plan for adding marketplace feature where the forum users can sell their own products?

I would also like to see this feature as well as physical product selling option with shipping address and stuff. Wanted to buy it ,but as it is its not the best option for my forum. Looks great for digital stuff though.

So, it will be option for other users to sell physical product too?

+1 to all of these things. Would love to have the ability for my users to sell physical products within Xenforo.
Hello, developers.
Tell me, please, how and who to ask for writing extension modules for Xen Product Manager?
This add-on works with PayPal and respectively with Stripe by @Liam W.

Because in country Ukraine the payment system is not working. But there is an similar LiqPay. Detailing for PHP.
Who'll help to expand opportunities for XPM?

Quick question, I have my store set up, but it doesn't appear to be moving a user from the registered group to the customer group I set up. It also doesn't place the purchased item on their account. Any Ideas?

Not sure if its an issue with my paypal or my configuration. I am on xenforo 1.4.4.
From what I can see, everything should be working correctly.

This leads me to believe it could be an issue with PayPal.

You will need to make sure your PayPal account supports Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) and while logged into your PayPal account look at your IPN History which should detail attempts made to contact your site after a payment is made. It should log there any errors it is encountering.
Would this be the correct set up? It previously was set to "do not receive IPN messages", I also have no history when I try to search.

The Notification URL can be blank unless you're using IPN notifications for something else. I actually specify the URL in the request so you don't need to worry about the URL that's there (it can be left how it is, or it can be blank).

However, yes, if it was previously set to "Do not receive IPN messages" then that would be the problem.
Is an update planned? when looking at the activity of the website, it's a little scary, all appears stopped.

There are interesting sugestions including the creation of categories..

Since you are a developer of XenForo, you seemed to have no time for the development of this add-on. You have customers who bought this product, they rely on you.
Indeed they do, Allan and customers are continuing to get support, aren't they? You should know.

The product is in a working condition with just a few small bugs outstanding, so there is nothing to worry about.

If there were serious bugs they would have been fixed already.

Suggestions will be reviewed at such a time that it's necessary to release a new version.
Where are file uploads located? I uploaded a zip file that I'd like to replace and don't want to do a product update....
Just edit the existing version and change the file.

You can edit an existing version by clicking the pencil icon under the Version History tab when viewing the product:

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Hey @Chris D

Just wanted to check in with an email I received from PayPal. I know when a user disputes something the store removes the license so not sure if this will need an update:


Important PayPal dispute case tracking changes

If you are currently using the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) process or the Case report in your current integration, we want to notify you of a change that may impact your business.

To ensure you don’t experience a disruption of PayPal service, we encourage you to make any applicable changes by July 7, 2015.

What is happening?

We’re enhancing our dispute management system to ensure you receive more detailed and timely information.

The first phase of this enhancement will encompass chargebacks and ACH bank returns. As part of this enhancement, we’ll be updating the format of the Case ID which is the unique identifier we assign to a dispute case.

Why is this happening?

Enhancing our dispute management system will provide more detailed, accurate, and timely information regarding disputes.

What do I need to do?

If you are directly integrating data from the IPN process and/or the Case report into your systems, you will need to ensure that your configuration will accept the format change for the unique dispute identifier as outlined here.

Data passed contains a case_id value. This value will now be formatted in two ways:

  • Existing format: PP-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
  • New format: PP-D-XXXX
For the new format, XXXX is an integer. The “D” indicates the case is a dispute.

Effective July 15, cases will be identified using either ID format until the transition to the new dispute management system is complete. This is expected to take several years.

As a best practice, merchants are encouraged to integrate flexibly so that any future changes to the unique case identifier can be made without integration changes.

When is this happening?

We will begin generating cases using the new format after July 15. To avoid any disruption to the way you process IPNs or the Case report, please update your integration by this date.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to improve our services.

Your Merchant Services Support Team
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