Xen Product Manager [Deleted]

Licenses can only be renewed when they are within 2 months of expiring, so renewing early may not be possible.
Darn cause i got 8 months and a few weeks till mine expires looks like i'm missing out on this discount :P
Where can I edit the icon size, that appears in the list of product?
It's 120x120, but I would like to change that.
Try to add this in EXTRA.css:
.productListItem .listBlockInner > img {
  with: 40px;
Change 40px value.
Add margin for placement.
Nope. It will be fine.

Try to add this in EXTRA.css:
.productListItem .listBlockInner > img {
  with: 40px;
Change 40px value.
Add margin for placement.
That should work if you want the images smaller (note should be width rather than with) but the images are resized to 120x120 and that is hard coded hence if you want images bigger changing that with CSS will make them look blurry. You might get away with it making them a little bit bigger though.
would be handy if when making a product, for example a user upgrade product, you had the option to redirect them to a page after purchase.
Chris D updated Xen Product Manager with a new update entry:

Added missing file

There was a mistake when packaging the updates for versions 1.2.3, 1.2.4 and 1.2.5. These versions mistakenly did not include the product_callback.php file.

If you purchased Xen Product Manager since Sep 6, 2015, you will need to update to 1.2.6. If you are an existing customer you are unlikely to have been affected by this issue.
  • Re-added product_callback.php file

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Chris D

Maybe I'm completely overlooking something but is there an easy way of seeing which user did a charge back? Users paypal email address isn't on our site at all and maybe my brain just isn't kicking in this early :D
This caught me out just yesterday :)

I identified the user via the User Change Log in the Admin CP, though this was quite easy because the purchase and charge back were on the same day. I was able to find the user who entered a certain user group, and left the user group. This was indicating the purchase and charge back.

Another way to do it would be to check the transaction log table - I never got around to exposing that in the back end. Give me a shout if you're struggling to find it, I can help.
I agree.

There's actually a license state that isn't used which is 'revoked'. This is the exact reason it exists, but for some reason it was never implemented. Either that or it is used, but it still isn't exposed anywhere - I'll look into this ;)
I agree.

There's actually a license state that isn't used which is 'revoked'. This is the exact reason it exists, but for some reason it was never implemented. Either that or it is used, but it still isn't exposed anywhere - I'll look into this ;)

This is possibly a unique situation but we had a user yesterday purchase a style + an add-on and immediately do a charge-back. The user then came back an hour later and bought another 2 plugins on the same account after the first charge-back was filed. I wasn't on to catch it in time but possibly sticking a user into the moderation q or something automatically to make it so once a charge-back is filed they are not allowed to use the store/site further.

Granted... I know a new account could bypass this method but it's something that could be useful.
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