Xen Notices [Deleted]

It's not really going to help. It is working. There is no setting that can make it work for me and not work for you.

You must be doing something wrong. What are you clicking on to dismiss them?
Thank you for taking the time to read my posts so far on the issue...

The close button is temporary. It sets a temporary cookie.

The Dismiss Notification link that appears on each notification (that you set up as being dismissible) is permanent. Unless you click Dismiss Notification the notification will only be hidden temporarily.
My Apologies for asking for help with this but IT was only now that I basically went so close to my monitor that I actually noticed the small dismiss at the bottom of the notice. I suppose as you get older your eyesight does not work as great as what it was when you were in your 20's. I won't bother you again with anything then.
The link can be made bigger with some CSS. I can instruct you how to do that if you like.

But I did say at least one "Dismiss Notification link in the bottom right" and made several comments distinguishing it from the close button.
    font-size: 15px;

That will increase the font size of the Dismiss Notification link.
Hi Chris! Just wanted to give you a shout out for a wonderful looking addon. Can't wait to purchase it this Friday!!! If you had to recommend another addon to compliment yours, which one would you suggest?

Oh, and I already have your gallery so that's not an option! :p
Would it be possible to look at the following options please.
1. Global default setting to run notifications according to members time zone. We know this can be set in the notification when setting it up but we would like to see this as default.
2. Show notification once every X days even if member logsout and loggsin again. We have a number of these that we would like to run and not have them showing to the same member multiple time a day if they loggout each time.

I have some custom user fields. If I create notification in forum (not in ACP) custom field values are not selectable, so I can't use custom fields as criterias. Could you fix this issue?

Also, please, fix old error in template notification_edit_public, where you are using hard coded string "Do you want to display an image in your notification?" instead of {xen:phrase do_you_want_to_play_a_sound_with_your_notification}.
No one has ever told me about that phrase issue. Yes, I can fix that.

Custom field criteria seems to be working fine for me. Can you be more specific on reproducing the issue?
Well that told me :)

Can you be specific about how that custom field is set up, because in my testing all custom field types work fine:

Custom field is set up as usual, nothing special. I suppose it's a browser issue, so you should use Firefox 20 to reproduce it. Problem in the template helper_criteria_user_field.
Seems this code is not working correctly in Firefox 20
<option value="{$key}" label="{$value}" {xen:selected "is_array({$userCriteria.{$userField.fieldName}.choices}) AND in_array({$key}, {$userCriteria.{$userField.fieldName}.choices})"}></option>
I have replaced it to
<option value="{$key}" {xen:selected "is_array({$userCriteria.{$userField.fieldName}.choices}) AND in_array({$key}, {$userCriteria.{$userField.fieldName}.choices})"}>{$value}</option>
And this is solve the problem. Maybe it will be useful for you.
That is a reasonable request for change, so I will implement that. This actually stems from pretty much a copy and paste error. The Admin CP templates that render the fields use special syntax that only works in the Admin CP. Part of that syntax is passing the option label using the label attribute, rather than between the option tags. It certainly seems as though it's a browser or version specific issue.
I've recently started getting double email notifications from fetchapp. I assume this is just some weirdness on their end and nothing to worry about?
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