Xen Notices [Deleted]

@Chris D , Would it be at all possible with the Birthday notification (Today's Birthdays) to have a cut off date for inactivity as I am finding it is listing members that have not been around for years.
@Chris D , Would it be at all possible with the Birthday notification (Today's Birthdays) to have a cut off date for inactivity as I am finding it is listing members that have not been around for years.
You could use the User Criteria add-on which has these two criteria:
  • user hasn't logged on in X days;
  • user hasn't posted for at least X days
Use one of those to add inactive users to a new user group. You can then use the criteria to exclude users in this group from having their birthday displayed.
you know what would be great?

to have a preformatted list of codes to fill in the notifications...ie......welcome to our forum, you can register here.....and then there's comes a difficult <href= code a normal regular dude with no php or html skills understands.

is this an idea?
I don't really understand what you're asking for.

You do not need any PHP or HTML knowledge to create notifications.
I don't really understand what you're asking for.

You do not need any PHP or HTML knowledge to create notifications.

yes it does.....see your own visual


Not all people are programmers and good at this with the <href= etc, etc
i thought maybe its a good idea to add a list with the most common notifications with the <href= etc etc so people who use this add on like me can choose and pick preformatted notifications.
You don't need to know ANY HTML. You don't need to see any HTML. You don't even need to know what HTML is.

Did you even look at the screenshot on the link I posted?

See all those buttons? It adds all the HTML for you. There are pop to windows that enable you to specify options for links. It's all very easy to use. No HTML knowledge required.

In that screenshots there is some usage of variables in {brackets}. These are just placeholders and they are explained very clearly while the notification is being created. And nothing to do with HTML.
You don't need to know ANY HTML. You don't need to see any HTML. You don't even need to know what HTML is.

Did you even look at the screenshot on the link I posted?

See all those buttons? It adds all the HTML for you. There are pop to windows that enable you to specify options for links. It's all very easy to use. No HTML knowledge required.

In that screenshots there is some usage of variables in {brackets}. These are just placeholders and they are explained very clearly while the notification is being created. And nothing to do with HTML.

my bad...overlooked it. thanks for the help
i use notification only for registred members
for my seo, i would like to remove all the line of your extension for visitor
and if it's possible to not charge the Js

thank you
What you're asking

a) is only possible by editing the GritterNotifications template
b) is nothing to do with SEO.

The line
self::addColumnIfNotExists('edit_date', 'int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ""', 'edit_username');

should be
self::addColumnIfNotExists('edit_date', 'int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'edit_username');

to avoid an error when upgrading.
Chris, a minor thing that I've not mentioned before but would be good if it was 'fixed' in the next update. When setting date criteria, the dropdown for selected timezone always displays (UTC-11:00) American Samoa.


I'd guess that most of the Notifications users are based in the UK (like me) or the US and there probably aren't many based in American Samoa (though correct me if I'm wrong!)

Would it be possible for the dropdown to default to either a timezone specified in the ACP Options? (I'd have suggested one based on server time though not everyone's servers are located where they are - mine used to be in the US before I switched to Nimbus Hosting).
Is this the same behaviour in the ACP? And for Notices? Or have I done something wrong?
Interesting, I've just checked the ACP and Notifications shows the 'correct' default timezone there, as does Notices


As you can see from my previous screenshot, the default timezone always shows (UTC-11:00) American Samoa when using Notifications from the front end (Moderator bar in this instance).
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