Xen Notices [Deleted]

I see it seemed to come up a bit later after I posted this, is it setup correctly for this type of notification then
@Falkor, you've only shown a screenshot of the Notifications Options tab for Notifications. On the Date Criteria tab, have you checked the option Today is user's birthday?
That would only show it to the people who have a birthday on that day.

You don't have to set that.
I'm guessing the reason it didn't show is perhaps you closed it. Which sets a cookie preventing it to be shown again for the current browser session(according to your settings).

So either logging off and on or closing your browser or using a different PC would cause it to show up again. Or clearing your cookies of course.
If I just wanted it to show once for that member that day would I then set the time to hide notifications to hide1 day. I don't really want a member to see it many times the same day if they log off and on again
Thanks I will do it that way then
You might want to consider unticking the Can Dismiss option for this notice. Any users who click on the dismiss link will never see the birthday notice again. I've got this unticked and set the hide notifications to 1.
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I am now trying to setup one that would be displayed for the following criteria and am not sure on how to do it. We have a monthly photo competition where the members will email their photo for the upcoming competition. Once the photo has been received they they are added to a usergroup (manually done) that enables them to take a raffle ticket in our photo competition raffle. So I need it to show to that member once in that cycle. I know that I need it to be triggered by members being added to that group. So I need it to show only once in that month to that member. At the end of the cycle for that competition they are all removed from that usergroup ready for the next month cycle to start.
Well it looks like no matter how we set them up each time your log out and login again it will show all of them once again
You just need to create a new one for each month and use the Data Criteria tab so it only appears between those dates or re-use the same one every month and adjust the date criteria accordingly.

If the notification is not permanently dismissed and it is closed (using the close button on the notification) then it will set a cookie for the specified time. All XenForo cookies are cleared when a user logs out (which is to be expected). If you allow the notification to be dismissible, they can click "Dismiss Notification" and it is disabled permanently. Later on, such as when the following month's competition starts, you can Reset the notification which re-enables the Notification for everyone, even if it was previously dismissed.
Yeah but the way I need to show a few others is not working for me either. If you would like to come and have a look I can give you an admin account. Even setting then as being able to dismiss did not stop them coming up again on the next login. I have now disabled all those ones
Even setting then as being able to dismiss did not stop them coming up again on the next login.
That's not actually possible. When you dismiss a notification (to do that, you need to click the "Dismiss Notifciation" link not the close button) it writes the information to the database permanently. There isn't anything you can do to bring that back unless the Admin resets the notification, or the user Restores dismissed notifications (Account > Preferences).

I see these two:


I dismiss them (using the Dismiss Notification links at the bottom right).

Log out. Log back in. They're still not there.
Each time I log out and log in again they come back, I have disabled all the others now. Can I send you an admin account to have a look
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