Xen Notices [Deleted]

There are two types of dismissal:

Permanent: If a Notification is dismissed by a registered user it will never show until such a time that they reset their own dismissed Notifications (in the Account Preferences page) or you Reset a notification which will force it to be shown again regardless of whether it has previously been dismissed. This is activated by clicking the "Dismiss Notification" link.

Temporary: Temporary dismissal is activated by the "X" in the top right corner of the Notification. When you close a Notification, a cookie is set in your browser that will prevent the Notification from showing for X days. X is defined for each Notification. If X is set to 0 then the Notification is hidden for the current browser session only (so restarting your browser will bring it back).

If you disable both of these then the Notification can still be closed... (Think about how annoying it would be if the Notification was covering the "Post Reply" button, for example) but the Notification will display on every single page load.
people have different needs for different notices....
I need a permanent notice to display to unregistered/not logged in users...
without them being able to dismiss the notice...If they do not want to
see the notice, then they should signup, or login.

(this is why i got this, because I thought I could control what groups
could dismiss and others could not. I did not know your permanent
option was only temporary, sorta misleading if it says "permanent"
but they really can dismiss if they want too...

Lets put it this way, if the member is not logged in, then there
is no reason why they should be able to dismiss the notice.

If you disable both of these then the Notification can still be closed... (Think about how annoying it would be if the Notification was covering the "Post Reply" button, for example) but the Notification will display on every single page load.
What's the best way to setup a one time notification that will never return once the member's read it/dismissed it? Set it to an indefinite number of days? I can't see any other option for it.
I'd like to setup a notification to thank users that just contributed with a donation.
Once donated, their account is upgraded to a new group 'donators'. But would it be possible to send them a one-time thank-you notification once they are upgraded? I don't see how..

people have different needs for different notices....
I need a permanent notice to display to unregistered/not logged in users...
without them being able to dismiss the notice...If they do not want to
see the notice, then they should signup, or login.

(this is why i got this, because I thought I could control what groups
could dismiss and others could not. I did not know your permanent
option was only temporary, sorta misleading if it says "permanent"
but they really can dismiss if they want too...

Lets put it this way, if the member is not logged in, then there
is no reason why they should be able to dismiss the notice.

You've completely misunderstood what I was saying.

This is what you need to do:
  1. Go to Admin CP > Notifications Options > Uncheck: Enable temporary dismissal
  2. Create your Notification with the relevant criteria.
  3. Uncheck: Notification is Dismissible
Now, the Notification will display every single time they visit a page.
What's the best way to setup a one time notification that will never return once the member's read it/dismissed it? Set it to an indefinite number of days? I can't see any other option for it.

You just need to check the "Notification is Dismissible" checkbox while creating the Notification.

They can dismiss the Notification permanently by clicking the "Dismiss Notification" link.

I'd like to setup a notification to thank users that just contributed with a donation.
Once donated, their account is upgraded to a new group 'donators'. But would it be possible to send them a one-time thank-you notification once they are upgraded? I don't see how..


Create the Notification.

Check the checkbox that says "Notification is Dismissible".

Under the "User Criteria" tab, choose the usergroup under: "User is a member of any of the selected user groups:".

Save the Notification.

As per my example above, only members of that usergroup will see the Notification. They will have to click the "Dismiss Notification" link to stop it from showing again.
Chris Deeming updated Notifications with a new update entry:

New Feature - AJAX Notification Dismissal

This is a small update, but an important one.

In versions prior to 1.6, clicking on the "Dismiss Notification" link brought up an overlay asking you to confirm the dismissal.

After confirming you wanted to do this, you were returned to the home page.

To make this process more seamless in version 1.6, I have introduced some AJAX to handle this much more elegantly.

The Notification is now dismissed instantly when clicking on the Dismiss Notification link without the page needing to...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for the update.
After updating, i still have a page to be sure to dismiss notification (not instant dismiss)

Yeah you will probably need to clear your Chrome cache.

Also make sure you have uploaded all of the files.
Still meeting the pb after deleting the cache. I also tried on a new browser (SeaMonkey)
Yes i have uploaded all the files and Notification 1.6 is showing in admin CP. I am able to use the addon normally except this feature.
I will perform more tests and let you know.
If I can have a link to your site, I will be able to investigate myself also.

There may also be an issue caused if you've ever edited the GritterNotifications template. Is this marked as outdated? Have you ever altered that template?
Is that the forum list or some other index page like XenPorta?

OK... here's one that I can't get figured out. I have xenPorta installed, Xen Media Gallery and am using the Route Changer to change the following:
portal -> index
index -> forum
xenmediagallery -> gallery

I want to display a notice ONLY on the xenPorta home page (the portal that is re-routed to index) that you see when you visting http://twowheeldemon.com and nowhere else.
I've tried numerous things with the page criteria and have not been successful. It's been a LONG night... help!
Chris: sent you Teamview Info in PV if you want to have a look

I don't mean to be too annoyed. But when I ask: "Also make sure you have uploaded all of the files." please make sure you have actually checked.

The reason it isn't working for you is that you have files missing. You've clearly installed the XML file, but you haven't uploaded the new files from the upload folder.
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