Who Replied

Who Replied 1.6.0

No permission to download
Started getting the following error in the console after upgrade which caused the overlay not to load:
GET XHR https://REDACTED/js/whoreplied/whoreplied.js
ExtLoader Failure parsererror 200 xenforo.js:252:496

Looking at the files included I noticed that the required .js file wasn't even included in the package. Fixed it for now by downloading the previous commit from github (without pagination but with xon's code cleanups) and doing a force downgrade.
Hello :D

Where do I enable it? Pictures is not showing on main download page.
You need to enable the relevant permission for the user group.

Note; you need to add it to two groups if you want to enable it for everyone.
  • Registered
  • Unregistered
Is pagination working for anyone? The list is always one big list of hundreds of usernames, regardless of what I have set in the options.
Is pagination working for anyone? The list is always one big list of hundreds of usernames, regardless of what I have set in the options.
It is working on my two sites. Make sure you have v1.5.2 installed, as the earlier v1.5.x versions where bugged.
It is working on my two sites. Make sure you have v1.5.2 installed, as the earlier v1.5.x versions where bugged.

I was totally getting this add-on mixed up with your Moderator Essentials, which shows the "Participants" link next to thread tools! Heh. I had the "ModEss View Top Contributors" permission turned on for all user groups.

Yes, the "who replied" list does work with pagination, with this add-on :)

Thread Tools

When viewing a thread, there's two new links next to the "watch thread" link (permissions are required).

  • Top Contributors
    • Clicking this pops up an overlay that displays all the users that have posted in the thread along with a counter of how many times each one posted.
    • Permission: "[ModEss] Can View Top Contributors"
  • Like
Reactions: Xon
I'll probably remove the ModEss version since the Who Replied is functionally identical, since I basically maintain both :p

I've got a ModEss update in the pipeline too :)
Now i've got it all installed properly but there is no hyperlink? I've toyed with the permissions as well with no fix.
User must have the "View Who Replied" permission. This will likely need to be assigned to two groups, unregistered (ie guests) and registered (ie members).

It will make the reply count clickable in thread lists (ie forums & watched threads) and also add a "Who Replied" to the thread tools dropdown.
User must have the "View Who Replied" permission. This will likely need to be assigned to two groups, unregistered (ie guests) and registered (ie members).

It will make the reply count clickable in thread lists (ie forums & watched threads) and also add a "Who Replied" to the thread tools dropdown.
Got it, thank you
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