XF 1.4 where is moderator ban permission?


Well-known member
All I can see is "Ban users from replying to a thread". I have mods who can't seem to ban a user even though they have max permissions from what I can see. Where is the normal ban user permission?
p.s I came over from vB end of June took me a while to get my head around things but once you do and you work out how things work it's so much better than that clunky sh!t
This subject has come a lot. At first I thought this would be a huge problem for me as I wanted to have moderators ban as they always have on vBulletin. However, I have had a few problems with moderators over the years overstepping authority and directions. I am glad that Xenforo is built this way, i can choose who to give real ban powers to or not. Also, you can give any moderator the spam filter which has a ban option built right in. Xenforo got this right.
problems with moderators over the years overstepping authority
My team is super close and responsible, but I can see how my operation is not the norm. In the end, I don't mind making an addon for this. Shouldn't be a big deal. Thanks for all the feedback everyone!
My team is super close and responsible, but I can see how my operation is not the norm. In the end, I don't mind making an addon for this. Shouldn't be a big deal. Thanks for all the feedback everyone!
Here is what I have done very simple.
I made two of my most trusted mods Administrators. When setting up an administrator you can give or remove any permission you want and it hides it from them. They don't see the same admin panel you do nor are they super admin. They can ban anyone i trust them 100%

As far as moderators go only my most trusted ones have the spam cleaner. New ones in training do not. Trust me don't give the spam cleaner to an inexperienced moderator you will be sorry. No need for add ons to accomplish what you want.
My findings are very strange. If I put a member into the admin usergroup and give him ability to manage bans. This user can ban via the admincp, but not in the forum even though the ban options are visible. It says I don't have permission. I somehow gain that permission when I give them the ability to manage users,

Even stranger is that if I add a member as an admin but leave him in a moderator group and grant him ban/user management, he still can't ban from within the forum even though the ban option is visible.

This is all problematic because I want my staff to be able to ban users, but to do this I open up many other abilities for them that they don't need.
I think I'd support the suggestion to use Warnings and related Warning actions for this purpose. It will do exactly what you want, quickly, easily, and without any need for add-ons. You can EITHER
- have different point scores to create bans for different durations
10pts = 1 week
20pts = 2 weeks
30pts = 1 month
40pts = permanent
(or whatever scheme suits)

have a single action related to a point score, and allow the warning duration itself to be altered when given
10pts = ban

If the points have a 1 week duration, then the ban is for a week.
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I had two types of moderation groups when I was on Vb, one of them had access to banning option and another one hadn't, after migration I found that I have to use warning system instead of using ACP for first group. but the second group can use warning system too. I know it is possible to limit them through this option"Points and expiry time are editable when giving warning" but what should I do with custom filed?

Is there any solution for disabling custom field?
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