Where is 1.1?

i think this teaches them a lesson to not announce anything until its done ...o_O
At which point they just release and yay! They did that at vBulletin a while ago. They'd announce what's ready just shy of upgrading the site. Then people complained there weren't developer updates before the release to give administrators time to prepare for the upgrade...

Really, developers can't win no matter what. It's best to just be happy they announced something, then wait. There's nothing else that can be done that will satisfy everyone. Even this discussion about why they don't change how information is released is discussed over and over again. Look at the last few pages. :p
The price that the community pays (some screaming and ranting) is in my opinion a fair one, compared to the hype that is created by an announcement for something that is coming down the road. :)
All I know is that regardless to when the release day is...this is not one of those software titles that you dread running an update, patch or upgrade to. The team has made a solid product that get's better all the time and with that has come a system that is PAINLESS to setup and upgrade.
All I know is that regardless to when the release day is...this is not one of those software titles that you dread running an update, patch or upgrade to. The team has made a solid product that get's better all the time and with that has come a system that is PAINLESS to setup and upgrade.
I love the super quick upgrades, the only thing that takes any time is having to compare templates and put any custom changes(I generally have a lot) in the new, reverted template.
I love the super quick upgrades, the only thing that takes any time is having to compare templates and put any custom changes(I generally have a lot) in the new, reverted template.
Have you tried mashing all of your manual changes into a LegReborn_addon of sorts? I have had success doing that (I called mine NobleMod) to port changes back and forth between dev installs in between breaking things...It's easier than reimporting 20 addons and for sure easier than remembering code edits. :-)
Have you tried mashing all of your manual changes into a LegReborn_addon of sorts? I have had success doing that (I called mine NobleMod) to port changes back and forth between dev installs in between breaking things...It's easier than reimporting 20 addons and for sure easier than remembering code edits. :)
That is a brilliant idea! Might give that a try :).
That's an awesome Idea. Too bad there is no add-on that mashes all your add-ons together prior to an upgrade. Or better yet, wouldn't it be nice if the new upgrade (Xenforo) itself could identify what has been added and reapply the changes automatically? Now that would be cool!!
That's an awesome Idea. Too bad there is no add-on that mashes all your add-ons together prior to an upgrade. Or better yet, wouldn't it be nice if the new upgrade (Xenforo) itself could identify what has been added and reapply the changes automatically? Now that would be cool!!

the addon addon v1 ? :-)

The problem with that is some addons have dependencies to work or display right. Images scripts and anything basically you don't write into a template would have to be collected into a package anyways from the correct directories. You also have to remember your handwritten listeners and such which are php files in the library directory. It conceptually is a great idea....but for me anyways even thinking about trying to make that hurts my dome.

I'm surprised no-one's opened a book yet on when 1.1 will be released ;)
You want to be the house this time around...? :-)
the addon addon v1 ? :)

The problem with that is some addons have dependencies to work or display right. Images scripts and anything basically you don't write into a template would have to be collected into a package anyways from the correct directories. You also have to remember your handwritten listeners and such which are php files in the library directory. It conceptually is a great idea....but for me anyways even thinking about trying to make that hurts my dome.

But with an upgrade, those files would not get overwritten. All Xenforo (or an addon) would have to do is look to see what has changed from the original templates and reapply them..no?

Sorta like vB's template compare/merge feature, only automatic.
addons make it so you don't have to edit core templates..

If you create your own template from scratch...it doesn't get over written upon upgrade

The php file in the addon is what creates the template in the page for you....to mash up all those addons via an addon ....would require said addon to also mash up the php files powering your addon which resides in the /library directory. Unless someone is going to immediately tell me to shut it and show me a way to do it..I would feel pretty comfortable saying it is feasibly impossible for that addon to materialize.

Again with all that being said, it is a cool idea...but in my opinion it is not worth the time it would take to build that even if it was possible. (again it may be possible but I think not with reasonable effort)
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