Where is 1.1?

Can't start migration from vbulletin untill thread prefixes available :) We have a huge forum with numerous thread prefixes in it.
I am hoping 1.1 comes out while we are working on the form addon so we can add the ability to select a form submissions default prefix. :)
And thus the Lord spake unto his Chosen people - the Nerdites. "Go forth, ye Nerds and Nerdettes! Build thy forums and settle thyselves in front of thy monitors, for 1.1 is nigh! But whoa to those who scoff at 1.1, for they shall be cast down among the unwashed masses, where they shall despair the lack of internet with much moaning and gnashing of teeth. Blessed are the cheesemakers!"


If anyone were to ever ask me as to what sort of a community XenForo has, I'm definitely referring to this thread. I've lost track of the number of colours and flavours I've witnessed here already...:love:

If anyone were to ever ask me as to what sort of a community XenForo has, I'm definitely referring to this thread. I've lost track of the number of colours and flavours I've witnessed here already...:love:

Tell them except Dark chocolate it has every other Flavours lol .
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