What three cloudflare page rules to use?


Well-known member
It seems CloudFlare only allows three page rules on free accounts. For someone wanting to setup a Xenforo site to use CloudFlare, what rules would you create?

For those of us on the 20 dollar plan with more page rules, what is everyone using? I just added the attachment one to all our sites.
I'm on the $20/month plan, but those are the only ones I use.

EDIT: Just added 1 more:

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The rocket loader in Auto have the best Load time i can get.

Server Location -------------------- LT without rules --- Load Time with 3 rules --- Load time with rocket loader+3 rules
New York City -------------------------- 1.53s ------------------------ 1.52s ------------------------- 1.08s
Stockholm - sweden ------------------- 2.14s ------------------------ 2.15s ------------------------- 1.60s

LT* - Load Time
For this test i used the https://tools.pingdom.com/ and the best time from 3 tests.

So the Rocket Loader have a big impact in performance, but it doesn't work ok with xenforo, maybe cloudflare fix this or xenforo.

And the 3 rules for me doesnt have any impact on performance, so cloudflare its already making the cache for that rules?
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