
  1. F

    XF 2.2 Showing page for the first daily visit of a guest

    I searched at a lot, I didn't find a solution or add-on here (yet). (I'm not sure if this is the right forum section to post at, but maybe it's a built-in function of XenForo already that I don't know, so it doesn't require an add-on. Feel free to move this post to a matching forum...
  2. bzcomputers

    Guest Page Caching - Redis vs Cloudflare vs Other?

    For those who have tried either Redis Guest Page Caching, Cloudflare Guest Page Caching or another guest page caching solution... What is your experience? Much of a performance change? Have you tried different caching options and found benefits of one solution over another?
  3. Artonn

    DigitalOcean, Cloudflare and SES.

    So I'm quite new to this and trying to understand how to set this up probably. I currently have my droplet setup and running, the forum is accessible. My Cloudflare is connected as well. What I'm a little confused about is how to properly setup my SES. I thinking about how you guys have setup...
  4. tlghnb

    Cloudflare Images vs Cloudflare R2 for storing & serving images and attachments?

    Hey everyone, I saw these 2 products from Cloudflare which seems like great products especially for XenForo forums. Has anyone ever used one of these or both in their forums so far? I haven't compared the pricing but using Cloudflare Images for storing and serving images and Cloudflare R2 for...
  5. digitalpoint

    Cloudflare optimizations for XenForo

    I've had a few people that use my Cloudflare add-on ask me what Cloudflare options/settings are best for XenForo. So rather than repeating myself privately, I'm going to turn this post into a bit of a configuration help document for those that want to read it. Cloudflare is pretty great out of...
  6. Old Nick

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare® - FRENCH translation [Deleted]

    nicodak submitted a new resource: [DigitalPoint] Cloudflare - FRENCH translation - French translation of the [DigitalPoint] Cloudflare add-on Read more about this resource...
  7. Baby Community

    cloudflare Redirect Issue

    Friends : And my new regular All in my control and all Linked to the top one, they're all friends on cloudflare now. DOMAIN at the bottom I want to enter the main page of the top site when the link...
  8. tlghnb

    Would you use a Cloud server or webhosting for XenForo?

    Hi, Would you use a Cloud server (like from AWS, DigitalOcean, Vultr etc) or a webhosting (like GoDaddy, Namecheap etc) for hosting your XenForo forums? I'm planning on using Cloudflare for caching, AWS S3 (or anything similar maybe like DigitalOcean's S3) for storing images, resources etc and...
  9. S

    Cloudflare problem

    Would love some thoughts and advice. I am a noob. Just back in the forum game. Wanted that shiny padlock and seen that Cloudflare would offer that on the free tier. I set everything up and went through the cloudflare configuration and enabled everything they suggested, including caching I...
  10. PaulB

    Not a bug Cloudflare IP addresses in XF\Http\Request are outdated

    XF\Http\Request contains as a Cloudflare IP address. Cloudflare is reallocating part of for use by WARP and Gateway, meaning that it will soon serve untrusted traffic. The following changes should be made prior to May 7: Remove Add Add...
  11. JasonBrody

    Content Security Policy (CSP) for XenForo 2.2

    Hi Everyone ! Though there're several thread on this, but I couldn't figure out any appropriate one for latest XF 2.2 release . So, could anyone provide information on how to configure CSP with latest XF ? (for additional info: I'm using cloudflare & adsense) .
  12. N

    CloudFlare Page Rules

    For xf 2.x, what are the three must-have default Cloudflare Page Rules that everyone should be using? Odd that there's no real definitive guide on this (that I can find anyway).
  13. Anomandaris

    Tutorial - Enable Cloudflare Under Attack Mode Automatically

    I made this script as a proof of concept to learn and practice bash scripting, it came out pretty good and I'm using it on a couple sites including my Xenforo board. I hope this will be useful to some of you. In the video I explain to you how it works and show you how to code it. Get...
  14. N

    Unmaintained Cloudflare Firewall Rule: Ban Country Codes from Registration

    Quickly add a Cloudflare Firewall Rule to block registration from specified countries. Go to Cloudflare > Firewall > Firewall Rules > Create a firewall rule Look for small text link as you scroll down to Edit expression Paste the following rule, making sure to edit the registration URLs to be...
  15. A

    Cloudflare detect ip problem

    I have a problem with ip addresses on the page. Cloudflare IP appears on the IP address, but not on everyone. I had to ban several users and a problem arose because they had an IP cloude assigned. I used this code and pasted into config.php, but it doesn't work. if...
  16. JulianD

    Chunked Uploads - XF2 1.0.3

    This addon enables "chunked uploads" in XenForo and allows you to set a virtually higher maximum upload limit up to 128GB regardless of your server configuration. Features Option to define the chunk size of each upload. This value cannot be higher than the maximum upload file size reported by...
  17. I

    XF 2.1 Not remembering two-step verification sessions

    Hello, I have Cloudflare setup with my XenForo forum, with these settings enabled: AutoMinify: HTML, CSS, Javascript Rocket Loader: Enabled Browser Cache TTL: 30 minutes Security Level: Low Cache Level: Ignore Query String When a user logs in, and passes the two-step verification process (and...
  18. DeltaHF

    Fixed Image Proxy's broken image placeholders should include "no-cache" Cache Control HTTP headers

    When a broken image is posted and processed by the XenForo image proxy, a "missing-image.png" file is shown in its place. This "missing-image.png" is not served with the optimal Cache-Control HTTP headers. For visitors using proxy servers (or website owners using caching services like...
  19. Alpha1

    Board Offline Status code causes sites on CloudFlare to go down and become unreachable

    I'm not sure if this is a issue or a suggestion. When you turn off your site and upgrade XenForo then it will return a 5.xx status code. If you run CloudFlare then this will go into a spasm over that status code, as it considers your server unreachable. The CF admin panel fills up with all...
  20. Alpha1

    Legit Members getting blocked by CloudFlare on /preview /edit-save /save-draft

    Since switching to CloudFlare I have been getting feedback from ranking members that they get infinite captchas on the following pages: /edit-save /preview /save-draft When looking in the cloudflare admin panel I see that the above pages trigger about 30 rules. What makes the issue more...
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