Would love some thoughts and advice.
I am a noob. Just back in the forum game. Wanted that shiny padlock and seen that Cloudflare would offer that on the free tier.
I set everything up and went through the cloudflare configuration and enabled everything they suggested, including caching I guess. Everything worked for about 14 hours but some pages were a bit slow to load.
This morning the site became unreachable or barely reachable it was like none of the static content was loading, it was all just text. I figured it was cloudflare so enabled developer mode and everything worked again. In my haste just to have the site up I set a rule not to cache anything at*
Is this the best way to go about things, should I allow caching if it’s causing problems? Website is plenty fast without it?
I am a noob. Just back in the forum game. Wanted that shiny padlock and seen that Cloudflare would offer that on the free tier.
I set everything up and went through the cloudflare configuration and enabled everything they suggested, including caching I guess. Everything worked for about 14 hours but some pages were a bit slow to load.
This morning the site became unreachable or barely reachable it was like none of the static content was loading, it was all just text. I figured it was cloudflare so enabled developer mode and everything worked again. In my haste just to have the site up I set a rule not to cache anything at*
Is this the best way to go about things, should I allow caching if it’s causing problems? Website is plenty fast without it?