What is the best program ftp ?

All Thank you so much to express an opinion on the subject and assistance
I notice that the majority here and in the rest of the forums that I put the question
The answer most is FileZilla
I do not know really what are the causes of those members
But I'm more than I care about the topic not only upload files to the site or vice versa
I'd even more is security, considering that the site and the forum that I own has a very high sensitivity

Compared to most of the popular programs
They all suck. Like with mail clients. I guess those are two kinds of programs where you have to find the one that sucks less for you :)

Using Transmit though. But even this sucks because it has some bugs when it comes to upload multiple files at once. This only seems to work on a per-folder base.
However, the ability to mount a ftp connection as a local drive is pretty cool. And it's able to connect to SFTP, Amazon S3 and WebDAV too. But it's Mac only and rather expensive.
They all suck. Like with mail clients. I guess those are two kinds of programs where you have to find the one that sucks less for you :)

Using Transmit though. But even this sucks because it has some bugs when it comes to upload multiple files at once. This only seems to work on a per-folder base.
However, the ability to mount a ftp connection as a local drive is pretty cool. And it's able to connect to SFTP, Amazon S3 and WebDAV too. But it's Mac only and rather expensive.
transmit here too.
Paid for and love it.
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