XF 2.0 What happend?


Well-known member
At half past seven Dutch time I download the 2.01 upgrade updatepackage.
What I got was xenforo_2.0.0-Release-Candidate-3-(Unsupported)_key_upgrade.zip

Just minutes ago I downloaded the file again and now it is the supposed file: xenforo_2.0.1_key_upgrade.zip
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A miss steak:eek:
Do you have 2 files of xenforo_2.0.1_key_upgrade.zip (and xenforo_2.0.1_key_upgrade(1).zip) on you're computer?
In that case you have downloaded the correct file, and uploaded the old rc.
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I wonder why there is no explanation why mentioned happened.
However, it was the first time that I experienced, that what was offered to download was not the download meant.
It's not something we've ever seen or heard of happening before, so unfortunately it's hard to guess why it would have happened once.
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