Well, I have finally pulled the trigger


Active member
... and I am praying I made the right choice!!

I purchased the XF license today. Also purchased The Swatch skin made by RazorThemes.com I think.

You should have seen my list of add-ons I sent to my guys that do all the tech stuff for me! The ones that initiated the interest in switching as well. Then I came here and you guys pretty much sold me.

I swear I spent ALL day going through the list of skins and I think I hit EVERY add-on as well, paid and free. I ended up choosing several paid ones and the rest were free. They are supposed to start on it I suppose tomorrow and it will probably take a full day of down time because I have so many add-ons.

The only add-on I wish there was already, and they told me of one similar coming out with the new release of the new forum version...

But right before I had hired my help and they brought up XF to me, I had purchased Advanced Tagging, a hack from vBulletin.org for my forum. It used what they called "mentions" where I could type @MistyMeanor (and I notice it's used here but this is the beta version right?) OR I could just add the persons name or username in a tag area up top. Either way, it would send that person an email. I used the free one first, but liked it a lot, and the paid one came with user groups mentions and tags. THAT is what I really wanted as well was to be able to do usergroup mentions where I could just say @moderators ... and alert them all. With the bought version, it came with hash tag use. This is useless to me.

They showed me the add-on that will be coming in connection with the new version, but it's more than what I need, I won't need all the other stuff with it (if I remember correctly... I have looked at a ton of add-ons! But, I JUST want the ability to tag or mention on my forum and be able to tag or mention usergroups. That's it. I LOVE how on here though it brings a drop down menu based on the name you are typing in. The hack on vb didn't do this so I would always have to scroll back up and find the username and how it was spelled of who I was mentioning/tagging. But I DON'T like how it keeps the "@" symbol visible. On the vb one, with the advanced hack it hid the "@" in the actual viewing of the thread/post.
Anyway, I have full access now baby! I am a licensed member now! I hope there is no looking back! I can't wait for them to get my forum up and running live!!
Good to see you decided to buy and join the club!

BTW, some of your forum names crack me up: Free Wheelin', Walkin' Tall, and Can I Take a Puff of That?
Good to see you decided to buy and join the club!

BTW, some of your forum names crack me up: Free Wheelin', Walkin' Tall, and Can I Take a Puff of That?

HAHAHAHA! Glad you like those! I try to be more creative than just "Wheelchairs" "Canes and Braces" and "Oxygen and Ventilator Supplies"
So the "tag me" one WILL work right now though correct? On the version they are installing for me? Version 1.1.5? Because right now I just can't use @King Kovifor 's version just because I don't have 1.2 is my understanding. So at least I would HAVE the ability with @xfrocks right now with 1.1.5, correct? If so, I will add it to my list of "wants" to my tech team.

Hey stupid question, but what font is this we type in? Font and size?
So the "tag me" one WILL work right now though correct? On the version they are installing for me? Version 1.1.5? Because right now I just can't use @King Kovifor 's version just because I don't have 1.2 is my understanding. So at least I would HAVE the ability with @xfrocks right now with 1.1.5, correct? If so, I will add it to my list of "wants" to my tech team.

Hey stupid question, but what font is this we type in? Font and size?

Correct the one from xFrocks works in 1.1.5. The one built into the core by xenForo is only 1.2. Just to clearify too.. KingK, didn't make the 1.2 version, it's built into the core.
Exactly what it says, making sure I understood correctly amongst the back and forth humor-like what seemed like kind of jabs between you members here.

Oh ok @Mike Edge I thought there was an actual "add on" I love the way it auto populates the members list names on here though when you begin to type. The one on vb didn't do that and I would always have to scroll to find the user name again to remember "umm did it have an underscore in it?" "was the last numbers in it 1957 or 1967?" that sort of thing. If people just used their real names instead of handles this wouldn't be an issue AS much, but I can never remember it if it has underscores or digits mixed in, or is a weird spelling. I have one member "dana"... I love just typing @dana and not having to deal with remembering anything else! LOL!
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