XF 2.2 Welcome to XenForo 2.2 / What's still to come

XenForo Community 2.2.webpWe've spent the last few weeks talking about the new features in XenForo 2.2. Now, it's your first chance to try some of them out and help us put them through their paces. Welcome to XenForo 2.2! đź‘‹

As you may notice, we have started converting some of our forums to more specific forum types. We've also enabled all general discussion thread types in the testing forum.

What's still to come

While our previous "have you seen" threads have announced most of what's coming in XenForo 2.2, we haven't touched on our official add-ons. There are improvements coming to each of them (beyond getting support for changes we already announced in 2.2), but we're not quite ready to announce these changes yet. Until we do, what you see running here is essentially the same as the 2.1-based version of our add-ons.

Beyond the add-ons, we still have a few more improvements to XenForo 2.2 itself that are still in the oven right now. These include improvements based on feedback we've received from the previous have you seens and some improvements to things we haven't touched on yet.

Keep your eyes peeled! (Disclaimer: please do not actually peel your eyes.)

Next steps

We're now starting the first steps towards releasing XenForo 2.2 by testing it here. So please, if you notice any bugs or problems, report them to us.

Once we finish off the changes we still have in the pipeline and are happy with the stability of 2.2, the first beta will be released to all customers with active licenses. Beta versions are not officially supported and we don't recommend running them on production installs. This is an opportunity for people to test and for resource authors to make the necessary changes to support the new version. From there, we'll continue releasing beta versions until we're ready to move onto the release candidate stage, which essentially means that we believe the version is close to being an officially supported release (but it's not yet!). Finally, and only once we've gone through each of these stages, XenForo 2.2.0 will be released as an officially supported/recommended release... and we can all celebrate!

But in the meantime, we still have work to do! đź’Ş
The new editor will need some getting used to. It will be interesting to see how the larger public will handle it.
I am not seeing an 'install app' at all on Android. Is Firefox supported?
You need to install it from menu only by clicking on 3 line menu button at top left corner.
I don't believe Firefox offers the event needed which allows us to display the button that triggers the behavior. I believe Firefox simply exposes it via the URL bar if it believe it's available/appropriate (some browsers may have heuristics that surround these things).
For PWA on Microsoft Edge: click the three dots (...) at the top right of the window -> Apps -> Install this site as an app. Note that it installs it for the page you are viewing when you selected install, so you can have multiple XF apps on your task bar.
Agree, need to get used to new editor, but that's how it is with now stuff.

So far, I like it.

Oh, and Quick insert - need to get used of it too :)

Bravo, team.
Great job guys! Looking forward to using this! :) Just wondering if the lightbox will be receiving a little love as well, especially the annoying issue on iOS where images fail to fully load and pinch to zoom isn't that great either.
In all the PWA discussion it sounded like there were simple/workable solutions to getting it working on iOS (like neogaf demonstrates very nicely). Is that completely off the table based on principle for XF?
seems XF 2.2 update broke PageSpeed Insights ! :LOL:


also broke trying via my PSI v6 API query script

./gitools_v6.sh mobile https://xenforo.com/community/

curl -4s https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fxenforo.com/community/&strategy=mobile&key=YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY

500 error: aborting...

works on home page just not forum index


 ./gitools_v6.sh mobile https://xenforo.com/

curl -4s https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fxenforo.com/&strategy=mobile&key=YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY
mobile CrUX Rating: SLOW
Test url: https://xenforo.com/
FCP: 3654ms (SLOW) LCP: 4293ms (SLOW) FID: 26ms (FAST)
12.70% pages fast FCP (<1000ms)
47.00% pages average FCP (<3000ms)
40.30% pages slow FCP (>3000ms)
84.30% pages fast FID (<100ms)
11.70% pages average FID (<300ms)
4.10% pages slow FID (>300ms)
91.30% pages fast CLS (<0.10)
7.90% pages average CLS (<0.25)
0.80% pages slow CLS (>0.25)
39.00% pages fast LCP (<2500ms)
31.20% pages average LCP (<4000ms)
29.90% pages slow LCP (>4000ms)

PageSpeed Insights v6 Score (mobile): 60 (average)
Lighthouse Version: 6.0.0
Cumulative-Layout-Shift: 0.00
Time-to-Interactive: 8279
Speed-Index: 3442
Largest-Contentful-Paint: 9619
Total-Blocking-Time: 88
Total-Page-Size: 1,190 KB
First-Contentful-Paint: 3255
First-Meaningful-Paint: 3255
First-CPU-Idle: 5197
Estimated-Input-Latency: 13
Time-To-First-Byte: 220 ms
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