Website Integration Class?


New member
I'm deciding between vB and xF right now. vB is a damn legacy at this point, which means it has tons of addon and modification support, however xF comes with many of these addons out of the box, and seems to be going in a better direction.

However before I purchase I must know if there is a class or proper documentation on complete website integration. Searching has yielded some random user submitted code and while that may work it's not officially supported.

~ I'm not interested in downloaded 34,000 different scripts / frameworks to get this running. If it doesn't play well with others out of the box, it's not for me.

~ A little effort from my part is completely acceptable. Though if ALL effort is on my part then there's absolutely no reason to pay.

~ How is skinning with xF?

~ Not interested in a fanboy debate over vB and xF, I'll buy whichever one suits my needs best. Screw IPB.

Thanks guys, hopefully we can make a transaction soon.
In fact, the entire website is built on XenForo. Perhaps you should consider only posting such claims when you are actually in possession of the facts.

I think that is odd. Many people are wanting external pages in Xenforo. Many are working quite hard at finding solutions. It is misleading that Xenforo has this ability and this information hasn't been shared. In the eating your own dog food analogy, Xenforo isn't meeting the standard as it is using a customized version or custom code to run that customers do not have access to.

Although my comment was technically incorrect, for all practical purposes, the sentiments were correct.
XenForo does not come complete with a 'make my website' button, which seems to be what you are asking for. The fact remains that the entire website runs using XenForo itself as its back-end, providing all of its routing, request handling, database interaction, session management, internationalisation, templating...

... which I find to be a very impressive achievement for a piece of software that is intended to be a forum.

Perhaps next you'd like to have a moan at Valve because they don't run their website on the Half Life engine?
XenForo does not come complete with a 'make my website' button, which seems to be what you are asking for.
Actually I don't remember requesting that.
What is being discussed is yet another person requesting they want MORE than just a forum out of Xenforo.

The fact remains that the entire website runs using XenForo itself as its back-end, providing all of its routing, request handling, database interaction, session management, internationalisation, templating...
Many people are wanting non-forum pages done with xenForo as the engine. You should consider distributing your methodologies. Very few Xenforo customers knew that the xenforo landing page was generated by xenforo. I think people will find this information interesting.

... which I find to be a very impressive achievement for a piece of software that is intended to be a forum.
Perhaps next you'd like to have a moan at Valve because they don't run their website on the Half Life engine?
Half Life is a gaming engine and wouldn't be suited to run a website. Considering Xenforo has Pages, and you have created external pages with Xenforo ... it is much easier for Xenforo Forums to make non-forum pages than it would be for a Gaming engine to run a website.
Actually I don't remember requesting that.
What is being discussed is yet another person requesting they want MORE than just a forum out of Xenforo.

Many people are wanting non-forum pages done with xenForo as the engine. You should consider distributing your methodologies. Very few Xenforo customers knew that the xenforo landing page was generated by xenforo. I think people will find this information interesting.

Whilst I do think it would be beneficial for them to provide some examples/tutorials of how to do that I think it's just as important to do the same for external integration (integrating with a website in it's own right).
Many people are wanting non-forum pages done with xenForo as the engine. You should consider distributing your methodologies. Very few Xenforo customers knew that the xenforo landing page was generated by xenforo. I think people will find this information interesting.

Actually what people want (at least going by this thread) is to integrate XenForo features into external scripts, which is an entirely different matter to the XenForo homepage. The homepage is just a website built on the XenForo base framework (very impressive might I add :))
The fact remains that the entire website runs using XenForo itself as its back-end, providing all of its routing, request handling, database interaction, session management, internationalisation, templating...

Is the cart entirely xenforo-based ?

Edit: December 26, 2011 - I have since learned that the Cart software was written bespoke by Xenforo.
I would be very excited to see Xenforo enable the platform such that average webmasters could accomplish this:
I'm confused... Those mock-ups showed absolutely nothing and were a hack job. The second one can be accomplished via template edits... The first can also be completed. However, if you want them to release the front page code, I'd think again.
I agree that an integration API would certainly be nice. But you do have to cut them some slack as XenForo has not been around for very long. OP, I don't think XenForo is mature enough yet for what you're looking for, so I would suggest moving on or waiting.
If you really need XenForo integrated in your website, you could build an entire product like xfSite does, or just add these lines (which I use on a production website) "globally":
require_once(XF_ROOT . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');

XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader(XF_ROOT . '/library');

XenForo_Application::initialize(XF_ROOT . '/library', XF_ROOT);
XenForo_Application::set('page_start_time', TIMENOW);

{//when user info and sessions are needed

    $visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();

    if ($visitor->getUserId())
        $userModel = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_User');
        $userinfo = $userModel->getFullUserById($visitor->getUserId());
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