View Pictures across Site on Media Gallery

Did anything ever come of this? A lot has been talked about but I haven't been able to find out if anything moved forward with it. This would be perfect for my forum.
Did anything ever come of this? A lot has been talked about but I haven't been able to find out if anything moved forward with it. This would be perfect for my forum.
Make sure you Like the first post. It helps gauge the popularity and determine if it should become a feature or not.
I didn't read this whole thread so maybe this was stated, but...

Basically it would work like Facebook. Similar to posting a pic to your timeline, and not directly to an album. But it also appears in an album called Timeline Photos, etc. So let's say you upload a pic to a forum post. This pic would then appear in an auto-generated gallery album called Forum Posts. You could go to a user's gallery, and view all the pics they ever uploaded by the various auto-generated albums.

It would require a user have Gallery of course, and the image should not be stored twice. So I would assume the best way would be the images are stored the same way, but the album displays it.
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Where would images uploaded to posts be entered in the gallery?

In a random category?
In a new category?
In a pre-defined album?

Personally it doesn't make much sense to me - threads/posts and gallery are separate and should remain so.

While this quote is roughly 5 years old I feel it’s a cause for the gallery to be very underused on our forum. I’d like to share two separate quotes from users of the community from the last few days;

So I’m always greeted with pictures at the top of the page and some of them really pique my interest. Is there any way to find what posts link to them?

Is there a trick to get to the posts/threads from pictures in the Gallery section on the Forums main page? When browsing through the gallery pictures, I will frequently see a picture of interest and want to see the conversation in the post. I assume these are almost all pictures getting added when someone posts a thread and not just random uploads to the gallery

So I’m now left to explain that even though you can view the photos on the forum page via a widget, insert these photos into your new posts and view these photos from a post inside of the forum, they’re not really part of the forum......they’re in the gallery. 🤷🏼‍♂️
So I’m now left to explain that even though you can view the photos on the forum page via a widget, insert these photos into your new posts and view these photos from a post inside of the forum, they’re not really part of the forum......they’re in the gallery.
I'm getting ready to install MG because its the best option right now, but I will be in the same situation you're in once it starts getting used. My site is for one specific classic car and there is a LOT of very useful information and photos on the forum. Restorations with hundreds of "how to" image files, photos taken with the car taken completely apart ready for metal work or paint, etc. My plan is to create a "vault" so to speak of images that will only be related to that particular model of car, always stored on the same server so the content and images will never be separated (photobucket, etc.). That said, there will still be challenges for users to find content related to images and I have a feeling I'll be explaining it over and over to them.
To better explain what I'm trying to say basically:

I upload something to a post and it can still be accessed via the Media Gallery, basically if Media Gallery is installed on your xF Install, it becomes the central thing for images across the site.
This is a great idea. The specifics could be worked out, or there could be options for each admin to use to customize. But the basic idea is an awesome one, and one that I get asked for pretty frequently.
Wow it is from 2014 that many people is asking this function. Too me I thought that was just present in the Gallery, is a basic and foundamental function for a plugin like this. @Brogan @Chris D can you please see if you can add these function with the options as per suggestions?
Because in this way it seems an Album plugin not a Gallery one.
Yes it's really. I have bought this plugin with the last money I had (earned with the donation of the forum) just to have this function. And now that I have test it I have seen that there isn't. In this way is not a forum gallery but an album gallery, that is another thing.
These images files are just in the section Content - Attachments, so why we cannot bring in the gallery?
Is simple to add these functions where you can decide the name of a gallery section that take the images added from a forum node you select.
@Chris D,

Would be cool if there was a tab where you could see all image across the site and comment on them, etc.

The first post of this thread have 50 like. Maybe one of most voted post in the forum.
So for what about my opinion and seems that I'm not the only, as it is now is not a very useful plugin. I didn't need an album plugin.
Please guys let's try to let it work good if must be a paid plugin that cost also more.
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It is the most popular media gallery suggestion.

Although that does not necessarily mean it will be added:
Threads with a large number of likes will bubble up to the top and give us things to focus on. However, please keep in mind that a highly-liked suggestion is not guaranteed to be implemented. There may be technical reasons to not do it or it may not fit in with the goals for the product. We will give our thoughts on as many suggestions as possible.
Yes Ozzy, but this is a basic function for a "forum Gallery" plugin. Without this function I really don't know what to do with it, this is an album gallery that I don't need because no one user will add photos in an empty section of albums.
If the name of the plugin was "Albums" no one have sayd anything, but it is sold as media forum gallery that is another thing. And it is a function that all these users here are asking from years I have seen, so it's mean that all of us were expecting these functions, for a plugin like this.
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Where would images uploaded to posts be entered in the gallery?

In a random category?
In a new category?
In a pre-defined album?

Personally it doesn't make much sense to me - threads/posts and gallery are separate and should remain so.

Scuse me Brogan but is not possible to make this simple thing that will make great this addon?

Look here, if you only add a field, in the Create Category (or subcategory) section of the plugin, where it appear also a list of the nodes present in the forum and where the admin can let it unchecked if him want to create only an empty new category,
or by selecting one or more nodes in this node list window, is it possible to load the media present in that forum.

An option to select what media you want import in this new Album/Gallery category, as "Video", "Images" etc.
and the system have only to run a simple query to found in all the post of that node/s, that contain the bbcode relative to the media searched. (Example: )

Then the system have only to show an album with a list of the images, loaded by the same links searched by the query, and the gallery is ready.
So that if you click on an image you can vote or comment the image, or also by a button, follow where this image is posted in the realtive thread, because you can also be interested in the discussion just active about that image.

Imagine to have a forum about animals with thousands of photo loaded from the users in the time, is sure useful to use this images, (in my forum I have 22.000 images) so that for example if there are these nodes inside it:
Best Dogs
Best Cats
Best Horses

an admin for example can create a public album in the Gallery, named "Best Dogs", where all the photos inside the posts of the node "Best Dogs" are token, that quite sure are all good images to show and really useful for a forum to show this, also increasing the user participation by giving them a link to follow the thread where the people is talking about it.
The same creating others albums in this way with the others interesting nodes that an admin know where there are interesting images or video for example inside.

In the end the plugin have to only to run a query and use the links found to generate the album, as just made with the links of the users personal albums.

Don't you think that is a simple modification that can have a strong impact about the utility of the plugin?
You can using pull thread images into the gallery using attachment mirroring

You can using pull thread images into the gallery using attachment mirroring

needs to be automatic. and it looks like it is.

It's dated to have a separate media section. So photopost 2001.

Entry into the media section needs to happen from an image clicked on in a thread.

Just like it works on reddit - either rpan or images
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