XF 2.0 Usergroup permission question


Well-known member

I am a bit confused on how the Usergroup system works with permissions.

Basically I've got a bunch of usergroups as ranks for certain members. These usergroups come with a custom userbanner and name. However most of these usergroups should have the same permissions as registered users.

My question is, how do I inherit permissions from the Registered usergroup to other usergroups?

Does it work if I have set members to Registered as primairy usergroup and add other Usergroups as secondaire Usergroup?

What if those secondaire Usergroups have more permissions will this overwrite the primaire usergroup?

Thanks for reading.
If the secondary usergroup has more permissions these will be added to the user no matter if there are less in the primary. An option to copy usergroups would be very awesome @Chris D. I think this option was available in XF1 but not 100% sure.
It's worth reading about groups and how we recommend using them: https://xenforo.com/xf2-docs/manual/groups-permissions/

If you feel like you need to copy permissions entirely from another group, it's usually a sign that you're trying to fight against the system. You would generally be defining permissions as "changes" based on what a role gives. If you just want to give a banner/user title, then you literally won't set any permissions from that role.
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