User Banners on Member Cards

User Banners on Member Cards 1.0.0

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Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
Chris Deeming submitted a new resource:

User Banners on Member Cards - Shows a user's banners on their member card

View attachment 49887

Bit of a story on this one:

I love the new user banners, so I decided to replace the user group title for licensed customers at my site with one.

I often load member cards as a quick way to get to people's profiles, see their license status etc. so I was surprised to see that their banners weren't there and I could no longer verify them as a customer until I viewed their full profile.

So here it is. This very simple template modification lists the user banners...

Read more about this resource...
Is there any way I can uninstall this completely?
I have made some changes to usercard and the user banner doesn't fit in there so I have to remove it but old users still have their banners in the member card, how can I fix this issue?
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