User Activity by Xon

User Activity by Xon 1.6.7

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Xon updated User Activity by Xon with a new update entry:

1.6.0 - Major feature update

  • Support displaying viewing user list on Forums
  • Support adding view counts next to content. (With style property).
    • Supports MySQL and Redis backends
    • Minimal overhead even with large number of viewers
    • forum_view_count-png.169929
    • To float the text to the far right use float:right; in the User Activity -> Viewer Count style property.
  • New Options:

Read the rest of this update entry...
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It counts me in every thread or forum i enter, showing many people in all threads but making inacurate who is reading in this moment.
It counts me in every thread or forum i enter, showing many people in all threads but making inacurate who is reading in this moment.

You can adjust 'prune chance' and 'fill factor' options for this. Mine are on default because it is also fine to see who just visited a thread and it gets pruned within a decent time window. No idea if it has an effect on load btw.
It counts me in every thread or forum i enter, showing many people in all threads but making inacurate who is reading in this moment.
It shows people who have last visited the content in the last ~15 minute (or whatever onlineStatusTimeout is set to, capped to a minimum of 60 seconds). With tabbed browsing this is vastly more accurate than a single global 'last seen activity'. Yes the viewer count numbers will be higher, but without exit tracking this is the best I can do
So what effect has 'prune chance' and 'fill factor' settings then?
The fill factor doesn't impact MySQL, but the prune chance is the rough probability of how often on viewing it will try to actively remove non-viewable records which are still stored in the backend. There is a cron task is set to run hourly, but this isn't frequent enough for high volume threads.
Great add-on @Xon !

Just have one problem: It seems that for whatever reason the discussion titles in the discussion list have doubled entries:
Before the Thread title and after the thread title...
The new update did not change anything... because your add-on wasn't the problem. :)

I found the problem: @au lait Advanced Attachment Add-on has a "thread_list_item" template mod with the following code replacements:

#(<xen:hook name="thread_list_item_icon_key" params="{xen:array 'thread={\$thread}'}">)(.*)(<\/xen:hook>)#isUm

<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.atp_listAttachThreadList}">

<xen:require css="atp.css" />
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<xen:if is="{$thread.attach_count} && {$thread.canViewAttachments}">
    <a href="{xen:link 'threads/attachments', $thread, '_params={xen:array 'simplePage=1'}'}" class="OverlayTrigger">
        <i class="fa fa-paperclip attachments " aria-hidden="true" title="{xen:phrase attachments}"></i>

<xen:else />

(It adds a FA Paperclip to threads that have attachments)
When I deactivate the template mod, the user activity only appears once (at the end of the title)

Any chance to circumvent this?
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