User Activity by Xon

User Activity by Xon 1.6.7

No permission to download
@Xon love the addon, thank you!

Having troubles with the "Viewing Thread Container", however... no matter which option I select out of the three, this container doesn't display. I'm fairly certain I have the options all set correctly, and everything else with the addon works perfectly. Any ideas?

@sHORTYWZ this is likely a theme issue, please check for template modifications which are not applying

I'm running an almost completely stock theme here - it looks like you're correct in that they aren't applying, but I can't narrow down the reason.

(Edit: Just verified that the thread_view template is unmodified from the default theme)


This is then likely an add-on conflict, as something must be modifying the thread_view template. I'ld recommend going into the thread_view template and clicking the 'template modifications' which will then render the template with those modifications.
Ok thanks xon for the reply. I look forward to your upgrade for this project. Also this is very good addon :)
Make sure the unregistered group has permission to view tracking is my guess. As this will display on mobiles fine.
Hello and thank you for your answer... but the permisions are right aplicated in unregistered and guest groups... any idea? Thank you in advance.
Which part isn't showing up in mobiles? The XX Viewers bit? By design that is hidden on small screens. You will need to adjust the us_viewercount.css template, specifically this bit;

<xen:if is="{xen:property enableResponsive}">
@media (max-width:{xen:property maxResponsiveMediumWidth})
   .Responsive .uaViewerCount
      display: none;
Which part isn't showing up in mobiles? The XX Viewers bit? By design that is hidden on small screens. You will need to adjust the us_viewercount.css template, specifically this bit;

<xen:if is="{xen:property enableResponsive}">
@media (max-width:{xen:property maxResponsiveMediumWidth})
   .Responsive .uaViewerCount
      display: none;
Thanks you very much... it works!
This is a awesome mod, thank you very much for this. Im facing 1 issue atm, i have a custom style that displays a NEW next to the forums name, like if there's new posts. Tbh, im not sure what to do about this, but the (2) viewing is kinda out of whack with the NEW. Maybe i could move it after the NEW? Sorry, not much info. I'll grab a screen shot.

EDIT: All good, will just disable for now. The viewer count and the NEW icon just don't get along lol. Try to move the viewer count in its properties left or right, and it moves the NEW icon instead! The viewer count is kinda not even either. Have been coding for weeks and kinda over it. Maaybe another day, cheers.
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Looks cool! But a question, why is your Redis cache mod recommended so much? What happens if I use the add-on without it?
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