User Activity by Xon

User Activity by Xon 1.6.7

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Let me know if any performance issues crop-up. I don't believe it should happen but it depends on server configuration obviously!
Only my own avatar is visible. Not the other users browsing. Those display a placeholder instead of the correct avatar.
The avatars are rather large btw. Especially on narrow width.
Only my own avatar is visible. Not the other users browsing. Those display a placeholder instead of the correct avatar.
The avatars are rather large btw. Especially on narrow width.

On my forum is showing all avatars correct, so could be a style or other add-on problem. But size is a little large indeed. You can change size with style options -> User activity -> Thread avatar -> width and height (30 and 30 looks fine)
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Can you make display viewer counts in a category page, like index page forums?
This currently isn't supported, contact me if you want to fund the feature or open a Pull Request on github if you want to contribute it.

It is fairly simple to implement, just not something I have the time for a while to-do.
Nice addon Xon!
We depend on the RainDD addon to quickly see if someone read a thread. Is there a way to disable the double posting of
"Users Who AreViewing This Thread" ?
We depend on the RainDD addon to quickly see if someone read a thread.
This add-on doesn't do the "who has read the thread bit". Mostly because no one has asked (and funded) that feature to be added.

Is there a way to disable the double posting of
"Users Who AreViewing This Thread" ?
How do you mean "double posting" ? It uses a template modification to add it to the thread once, I'm guessing something is confusing it. Can you provide some more information?
I think he wants to use it in combination with the RainDD add-on and only use the "who has read thread" option of it. Both add-ons would show "users viewing thread" then (same persmission?), so double posting?
Under this add-on's options, you can deselect it outputting results for a threads viewer list but retain it for viewer counts
sorry forgot to mention if i disable the "Viewing Thread Container Position" then neither of the two will show up.
I would like to keep both once
1 x Users who are viewing this thread
1 x Users who have read this thread
if i untick thread then both "Users who are viewing this thread" are gone
Go into the Appearances -> Templates Modifications and look for "Adds activity containers (list)" on the thread_view template.

Just disable it. These two add-on's are meant to be run at the same time so some things don't work together.
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