XF 1.5 Upgrade 1.5.0 to 1.5.2

T Money

Active member
I am ready to upgrade but I feel nervous doing this and want to make sure I do it right. I have read the instructions but I want to clarify a few things:
  1. Is upgrading from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2 is ok? I don't need 1.5.1?
  2. Brogan recommended downloading the entire 1.5.2 as if I was installing for the first time, not just the upgrade package-- means I follow the installation instructions, not the upgrade instructions. This is correct?
  3. Do I need to back anything up? My host does perform backups daily.
Thanks in advance
You can upgrade directly to 1.5.2.

Brogan recommended downloading the entire 1.5.2 as if I was installing for the first time, not just the upgrade package
I did? Where was that?
You should only ever use the upgrade .zip archive when upgrading.
The full .zip archive is only for new installations.

Do I need to back anything up?
You should always take a backup before upgrading.
XenForo 1.5.2 Released (Includes Security Fix):
Under "Method 2: Install the Patch (for 1.5 Users)"
"Note that with this method there is no outward indication that the patch has been applied. We recommend upgrading if possible."

I guess I misunderstood. I will use upgrade package as you suggested.

Could you give me instructions on how to back up?
Could you give me instructions on how to back up?
You need to backup the database at the very least, the server files are not that critical as they can be replaced from a .zip archive.
Although that doesn't include attachments and avatars but they shouldn't be affected when upgrading.

Ideally use SSH to backup the database - phpMyAdmin is unreliable.
If you don't know how to use SSH or don't have the facility to use it due to being on shared hosting (for example), your host should be able to help.
I am a bit confused, I see different instructions between Jake's link above and from my host (2 links below):


Which one should I be following?

The instructions are basically the same with slight differences in some of the command arguments. Your host also has more detailed instructions for using phpmyadmin if you opt to use that.

Either guide works. I can tell you that I have personally used all of the commands in my guide.
@Jake Bunce

I have backed up the database successfully. For some reason I could not get your command to work, but I used this instead suggested by my host:
mysqldump --add-drop-table -h internal-db.s00000.gridserver.com -u username -p dbname > backup1234

And now I'm trying to backup the files using your command (host does not have instructions on this):
tar -cf - /PATH/TO/backup.sql /PATH/TO/FORUMDIR/ | gzip -c > /PATH/TO/backup.tar.gz

I tried "tar -cf - /data/backup1234 /domains/domain.com | gzip -c > backup.tar.g" but I get the following error:
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
tar: /data/backup1234: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: /domains/domain.com: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Do you know if I am doing something wrong?
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