Unread Post Count

Unread Post Count 1.2.0

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Hehe... I see the issue...

When you're on the forum home page, hover over your "Home" tab.

So, the way this works is it looks for the phrase What's New? (the phrase, not the English words) and adds on to the end of that the unread posts counter. 1.0.8 introduced a hard limit on the number of replacements it was allowed to make. I set this to 1 because usually you only have 1 per page.

As it happens, you have 2 and so it's adding the unread count to the very first What's New it finds which happens to be on your home tab.

I will see if this can be improved.

Thanks. So, for the time being, should I go back to the older version? Or is the fix coming soon?
You know, if you went back to the older version, and changed that thread title from "What's New?" to "What's New - Unread Post Count" or similar (just anything that doesn't actually contain "What's New?" in the thread title) then all will be fine.

But I can't guarantee you won't get problems elsewhere.

The 1.0.8 version is still recommended. The problem is basically caused by your customisations so I can't even guarantee I'll have a solution to fix it.
You know, if you went back to the older version, and changed that thread title from "What's New?" to "What's New - Unread Post Count" or similar (just anything that doesn't actually contain "What's New?" in the thread title) then all will be fine.

But I can't guarantee you won't get problems elsewhere.

The 1.0.8 version is still recommended. The problem is basically caused by your customisations so I can't even guarantee I'll have a solution to fix it.

Well, wouldn't that be the common problem with everyone using XenPorta?

I'll go back to the older version by the time this finds a fix. :sick:
The counter only appears on my Portal index :


But not on my forum Index :


Any way to fix that ?

thank you
Installed 1.0.8 and 1.0.9 five minutes later
in 1.0.8, the counts appears on portal (Xenporta) and nothing else
In 1.0.9, it doesn't show anywhere.

I'm using Flexile style.
Works fine for me on multiple styles.

I can't necessarily support it on every single custom style.

Seems like the Fleixile theme has changed the position of some of the class names in the HTML.
Ok Chris
If it can helps, here is the HTML classes for Flexile regarding this part :

<li class="navTab forums selected"><a class="navLink" href="http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/www/forum/"> … </a><a class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu" href="http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/www/forum/"></a><div class="tabLinks"><div class="primaryContent menuHeader"> … </div><ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList"><li> … </li><li> … </li><li> … </li><li><a href="find-new/threads"> … </a></li><li> … </li><li> … </li></ul></div></li>
You wouldn't have happened to change the whats_new phrase would you? This won't work on anything but "What's New?" as it is looking for the "?" in the phrase. Change the phrase to anything else or remove the question mark and nothing shows anywhere.
You wouldn't have happened to change the whats_new phrase would you? This won't work on anything but "What's New?" as it is looking for the "?" in the phrase. Change the phrase to anything else or remove the question mark and nothing shows anywhere.

Not sure who you refer to but no, i wouldn't change any phrase for the addon to work? Why should I?
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