Cannot reproduce Unable to Register - Pale Moon Browser


Well-known member
Affected version
XF 2.0.1
Users are unable to register for a new account when using Pale Moon as the primary web browser.

This seems to occur when Email Verification is disabled - I was initially able to register when this was enabled, however a user reported that this no longer worked once I switched the setting. Instead, users are taken to the following page after submitting their info:

Pale Moon Browser details below:
Never heard of Pale Moon until today!

I tried just now with Pale Moon on a fresh XenForo 2 demo, disabled Email Verifiation and was able to register OK.

It is strange that your Register link redirected to the full page version, normally you only get that if you disable overlays globally in XenForo. Any browser console errors?

2018-01-09 14_07_26-Register _ XenForo - Pale Moon.webp

Having said that... I noticed that Google's reCAPTCHA was VERY aggressive to me when I ticked "I'm not a robot", it forced me to do about 5 photo challenges in identifying cars, street signs and shop fronts.

It seems Google doesn't like the Pale Moon browser user agent.

I wonder if maybe your user wasn't able to solve the reCAPTCHA at the time?
It's not super popular, but a couple of our users are running it and reported the issues.

I'm experiencing the same thing with the Google reCAPTCHA, but the user who reported the issue uses Pale Moon as her main browser and didn't experience any issues with reCAPTCHA.

I've not managed to get the behaviour consistent - sometimes it lets me register, sometimes it doesn't. The user who reported the issue was able to eventually register, but it would be great to work out what cause the problem.

Console errors reported:
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create vendor-compiled.js:105:8540
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create recaptcha__en.js:3:91
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create recaptcha__en.js:3:91
: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create recaptcha__en.js:3:0
There has been a couple of releases since you made this bug report. Are the users still able to reproduce the issue with the latest version? For testing you can create an Admin demo and provide the link to them so they can try the registration in their browser.

My concern regarding the browser mostly is that it was forked from Firefox "a number of years ago" and with it likely not being as popular as Firefox, it may not have benefited from the same level of user acceptance testing that Firefox has, therefore it could be missing some support for certain features or bug fixes that have since been applied to Firefox.

As an example, they only recently added support for "ES6 unscopables" which is not something we use, but it has been part of most mainstream browsers for a couple of years.

Of course to make it more difficult, it's possible that the issue isn't entirely down to the browser itself, but perhaps its interaction with the web server, or some specific set up on the web server. It might be difficult to pin down.
Not able to replicate in the latest version of Pale Moon. Hopefully this is something that was fixed in one of the recent updates.

Unfortunately I'm not aware of how many users are actually using Pale Moon on our site as the user agent I believe is the same as FireFox. I suspect it's very low though, but we do have a couple who reported the issues.

I'll ask them to update and check if they still experience issues as well.
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