UI.X 2

UI.X 2

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Which setting is to change the text/button colours for these locations? Presuming they can be changed here " /admin.php?styles/motovlog-theme-new-child.12/style-properties/group&group=color"?

I can't see black on black etc.


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Screen Shot 2019-03-19 at 10.45.23 PM.webp
Take a look at our FAQ's as "How do I set new navigation icons" should be able to help you answer on setting custom navigation icons.

What icon are you changing? The "Alert" icon? Are you changing them in the primary theme or child theme?

Did you add them in the extra.less template for the primary theme or the child theme?
Yes they were already there. The username colours have come back but one of the group banners which we added in extra.less is not showing now. The others are though and they all use thr same code
Which setting is to change the text/button colours for these locations? Presuming they can be changed here " /admin.php?styles/motovlog-theme-new-child.12/style-properties/group&group=color"?

I can't see black on black etc

All button styling should be in done Style Properties > Buttons.
After upgrading to Xen 2.1 and upgrading the light and dark ui.x themes and the add on, the fonts were gigantic - the rem settings (1.4rem,etc) make everything huge. I had to manually change them back to their px settings, which breaks the font size selector. I've tried rebuilding the add on and reinstalling the themes, but no luck.
I looked at your demo forum and at mine, and the difference seems to be my html tag is missing style="62.5%", which is what sets the base of the rem. How do I fix that?
Upgraded to xF2.1 and also updated theme.
How can i bring back the bolt icon or new post icon. its not showing whats new icon on mobile.
I looked at your demo forum and at mine, and the difference seems to be my html tag is missing style="62.5%", which is what sets the base of the rem. How do I fix that?

I am replying to myself just to note that creating new child themes and re customizing them fixed it. I am still experiencing some weirdness with reactions plus with svg reactions, but that's for a different thread.
After upgrading to Xen 2.1 and upgrading the light and dark ui.x themes and the add on, the fonts were gigantic - the rem settings (1.4rem,etc) make everything huge. I had to manually change them back to their px settings, which breaks the font size selector. I've tried rebuilding the add on and reinstalling the themes, but no luck.
I looked at your demo forum and at mine, and the difference seems to be my html tag is missing style="62.5%", which is what sets the base of the rem. How do I fix that?
I am replying to myself just to note that creating new child themes and re customizing them fixed it. I am still experiencing some weirdness with reactions plus with svg reactions, but that's for a different thread.
Go ahead and create a ticket on this so we can take a look as you are using the latest release, correct? The one that was released this last Friday.
I found it in global setting, uncheck the box stating remove whats new buttons.
Glad to hear you were able to find the setting you were looking for, go ahead and let us know if we can help with anything else! :)
Go ahead and create a ticket on this so we can take a look as you are using the latest release, correct? The one that was released this last Friday.

Glad to hear you were able to find the setting you were looking for, go ahead and let us know if we can help with anything else! :)
Today i had gone through the manual / documentation at your website and learn all settings by going through pictures with highlighted areas shown with settings details.

I am trying to make horizontal postbit by setting single column break view value to 5000px but by any settings in extra.less the avtar size is not getting large.
It is showing same layout as shown on mobile with small avatar size.

Can you help me in, how i can make large avatar with horizontal postbit.
Question. If I have this setting turned on:


How does the user log out!
Is there a way to remove the selected tab sublinks?

There was an option in UI.X for XF1 (Remove Selected Tab Sub-Links), but I haven't been able to find an equivalent yet.
Today i had gone through the manual / documentation at your website and learn all settings by going through pictures with highlighted areas shown with settings details.

I am trying to make horizontal postbit by setting single column break view value to 5000px but by any settings in extra.less the avtar size is not getting large.
It is showing same layout as shown on mobile with small avatar size.

Can you help me in, how i can make large avatar with horizontal postbit.
That setting lets you choose when to enable the mobile styling but forces the small avatar to appear.
Question. If I have this setting turned on:


How does the user log out!
Have your users expand the sidebar menu before clicking the user icon. It should then show the Your account section with a log out link below.

Quick suggestion, uix_welcomeSection should be hidden for members who are registered but awaiting confirmation ;)
An ideal suggestion, I'll add it to our issue tracker :)

Is there a way to remove the selected tab sublinks?

There was an option in UI.X for XF1 (Remove Selected Tab Sub-Links), but I haven't been able to find an equivalent yet.
Gonna check on this with @Ian Hitt and report back.
Is there a way to remove the selected tab sublinks?

There was an option in UI.X for XF1 (Remove Selected Tab Sub-Links), but I haven't been able to find an equivalent yet.
I believe what you are looking for would be under Header and Navigation -> Sub Navigation -> Viewport width to remove the sub-navigation.
If you are modifying the child theme exclusively, all you need to do is overwrite/update the parent/root UI.X style. The XenForo template merger should do the rest and prompt you if manual actions are required.
If you lose all your changes, then you're overwriting the style that you made changes in with the update. There's no way to prevent that.
If you are modifying the child theme exclusively, all you need to do is overwrite/update the parent/root UI.X style. The XenForo template merger should do the rest and prompt you if manual actions are required.
If you lose all your changes, then you're overwriting the style that you made changes in with the update. There's no way to prevent that.

I just used the automatic update and I wasn't prompted for any template merges, etc.
Should I be doing it another way?
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