UI.X 2

UI.X 2

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Bug with a bottom scroll bar popping up..

Replicate over @ themehouse hide the side bar, make it wide.

scroll down and a horizontal scroll wheel will appear, but scrolling up will remove it, and it won't come back, unless you refresh the page.
Hello :)
I have just installed the theme, but I have a problem regarding the icons:

Yeah, I just installed it and all looks good. If you're having this problem elsewhere, you might want to just run yourdomain.com/install and rebuild your master data. See if that fixes it.
As I said in the other thread, "The images are showing 403. Ensure /data and /internal_data have the correct permission."
Ah, that's what I was going to say was a possibility if he came back to say that it didn't work, that it might be permissions related. Occurred to me afterward, I wasn't aware that he had already posted about it. ;)
Hello :)
I have 3 issues:

  1. In Register and Login icons, I see the Alerts icon:

  2. In the nodes, I see the missing icons:

  3. I am trying to edit a navigation icon, but if I set these values:
    I see this:

Thanks for reading :)
One other question - I'm using Siropu Chat & since XF 2.1 the icon is just a folder.
Can you confirm how to change this please?
I am having a problem with FontAwesome icons: In "Login" and "Register" icons, I see the Alert icon.
Trying to change the icons from Style Properties > Icons and changing values, the icons does not change.
One other question - I'm using Siropu Chat & since XF 2.1 the icon is just a folder.
Can you confirm how to change this please?
Take a look at our FAQ's as "How do I set new navigation icons" should be able to help you answer on setting custom navigation icons.
I am having a problem with FontAwesome icons: In "Login" and "Register" icons, I see the Alert icon.
Trying to change the icons from Style Properties > Icons and changing values, the icons does not change.
What icon are you changing? The "Alert" icon? Are you changing them in the primary theme or child theme?
Hello, I just updated the theme and now some of my user groups have lost the coloured usernames
Did you add them in the extra.less template for the primary theme or the child theme?
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