UI.X 2

UI.X 2

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Only the node shading appears on the right side of the forum, the nodes on the left side are not shaded when you mouse over them.

How do I fix this?

Is this shading you added yourself? I am not able to replicate this on our Nodes demo.
I didn't add it myself, I installed the theme and the child directly and it appeared like this.

In the child theme there are some parameters different from the normal theme, but I haven't put them myself
I have another issue: When a guest join on my website, see these icons as "Login" and "Register"

Thanks for reporting, looking into a fix now :)

ETA: Navigate to app_nav.less
Replace line 635 w/ .m-faContent(@fa-var-key);
Replace line 646 w/ .m-faContent(@fa-var-clipboard);
Last edited:
I've noticed that several large addons (XenAttendo 2 Calendar, Bob's Review Management System, Bob's Article Management System, and a couple more) are missing their breadcrumbs with the UI.X 2 style. How do we get these added back?

I'm using the default locations.

Hello :)
I have a little question: How can I put a FontAwesome icon on a navigation item?
View attachment 200464

Thanks for reading :)
Same format for Material icons as mentioned in our FAQ's. The name field should be class and the value should be fa fa-bookmark.
I've noticed that several large addons (XenAttendo 2 Calendar, Bob's Review Management System, Bob's Article Management System, and a couple more) are missing their breadcrumbs with the UI.X 2 style. How do we get these added back?

I'm using the default locations.

View attachment 200501
Uncheck the property named Ignore home link when checking "content checking" breadcrumb as that should bring them back for ya.
The thread title and metadata are pretty much in the void. Is there a way to move that into a box or container?


We are not happy with the font that looks as it would be bold even if it isn't it. Can I simply revert it back to UI.X 1 style? Like Arial or similiar? I found a font settings menu. but I couldn't figure out what to change without breaking things
The thread title and metadata are pretty much in the void. Is there a way to move that into a box or container?

We are not happy with the font that looks as it would be bold even if it isn't it. Can I simply revert it back to UI.X 1 style? Like Arial or similiar? I found a font settings menu. but I couldn't figure out what to change without breaking things

You can change the location of the Titlebar, as well as add a background color to it so that it is legible. Both Style Properties to move it inside the wrapper, as well as style it, are in Style Properties > Global Settings.
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