UI.X 2 Dark

UI.X 2 Dark

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Hey! I was setupping UI.X 2 on my forums and came up with some problems and questions...
First of all why did my logo become so big?

and secondly, is it possible to move the logo to the navbar to save some space?
Just checking - are you running the latest XenForo? If so, we haven't updated our styles yet for compatibility, but will be taking care of that today (barring any outside complications).
Just checking - are you running the latest XenForo? If so, we haven't updated our styles yet for compatibility, but will be taking care of that today (barring any outside complications).
Yep, the latest update! Also, is there a way to remove the icon from one button in navbar?

Collapsible extra info isn't working anymore...

- UIX-2.2.0_Patch_Level_3
- UI.X-
- UI.X-Dark-
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