Fixed Tokeninputrow - Please enter 2 or more characters


Well-known member
Affected version
2.0 RC 2
If you use a tokeninputrow in an overlay, and close the overlay without doing anything (by hitting escape) the "Please enter 2 or more characters" message remains on the screen.

It happens in both Chrome 62 and Firefox 57 on an Ubuntu system.

Note that you have to use the escape key on the keyboard for it to happen. It doesn't happen with any mouse actions.

And I can duplicate it here using the 'invite more' link in a conversation.
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Ok, I can repro it after all.

The message was appearing to me and then disappearing on escape at first.

Now the message isn't appearing at all until I press escape.
This should be sorted for the next release now. We detect if the token input is in an overlay, and try to "close" it properly when the overlay is starting to hide.
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