TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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Question: The full version of TinyMCE shown here preserves user-inserted spaces. Great! Why doesn't this implementation do the same?

Any help would be appreciated.
This implementation does the same. Do you have an example ? About white space, please read my explanations in the other post, I can't be more specific.
I think I might have found the post to which you refer:

If you enable two of the TinyMCE Quattro parser options, the tabs will be emulated when messages are displayed, no matter you use TinyMCE editor or the default editor.

If you need to target more than tabs, then the use of a Bb Code is needed. If you need to emulate tabs inside a BbCode, I've included an helper to do that in this addon. To use it when you code your BbCode:

However, this need for user-inserted spaces is about much more than tabs. It's about preserving user-inserted spaces. Two spaces, three, four, five--they are all entered deliberately by some poets, and there needs to be a way for them to enter these and have them recognized, transparently. No button presses or anything beforehand, if possible.

In the demo that I linked to above, that appears to happen. I was asking why it doesn't happen with the tinymce add-on that you so graciously supply here.
Another question: I don't see the little triangle on the right-hand corner of the quattro editor plugin that I see here. Is it possible to get that, so that users can expand or shrink the height of the editor?

If you edit the message, you will notice that all blank spaces are preserved inside the editor, but they are not when they output in the message. It can be done by this function:
  public function emulateAllWhiteSpace($string)
     return preg_replace(
       '#[ ]{2,}+#',
       "<span style='white-space:pre'>$0</span>",
This function will need to be executed before the one converting tabs to 4 white spaces. But it has drawbacks. If a html tag property have two whitespaces intead of one, it will break the layout. Example:
<br  />
<span style='  color:red'>test</span>

It should not happen with some proper codes, but honestly it's not recommended. And it might slow a little the page rendering (needs to be confirmed with real tests). From an editor perspective, I don't really mind if white space are not kept... I've corrected to many word documents where people use spaces to make tabs which made me crazy ;) Now I understand, your needs, but again it's clearly not recommended.

About the resize icon, I've chosen not to display it because it's useless with XenForo: the editor size can only be modified in the height direction (the width will automatically have the biggest width), TinyMCE has an elastic function (auto height resize) like XenForo 1.1 had and TinyMCE has a fullscreen mode which is better to edit long texts.

About the resize icon, I've chosen not to display it because it's useless with XenForo: the editor size can only be modified in the height direction (the width will automatically have the biggest width), TinyMCE has an elastic function (auto height resize) like XenForo 1.1 had and TinyMCE has a fullscreen mode which is better to edit long texts.

The resize thing is fun, though, and I don't see why it couldn't be allowed to happen. Sometimes you don't want a full-screen mode. I'm just for giving users all possible permutations, as not everyone feels at home with the same limitations.
I have this editor plugin activated, and I switched to my work computer, which runs IE8. I see that under IE8, the editor doesn't show up at all. What shows up is a barebones bbcode editor, with no buttons or the ability to get buttons or the ability to switch to the wysiwyg editor.

Is this plugin incompatible with IE8? Any workarounds? Thanks.
I have this editor plugin activated, and I switched to my work computer, which runs IE8. I see that under IE8, the editor doesn't show up at all. What shows up is a barebones bbcode editor, with no buttons or the ability to get buttons or the ability to switch to the wysiwyg editor.

Is this plugin incompatible with IE8? Any workarounds? Thanks.
Does my last version managed to do what you wanted to with the blank spaces? I haven't heard anything from you.
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