The Following Alerts

The Following Alerts [Paid] 1.3.2

No permission to buy ($10.00)
"Receive alerts from people who you following".

Meaning alerts from people who follows you, or who you are following?
yep and the tab with name alarm . Both not work .
So you marked in youre Post > with Alarm tab.
Make sure you're follow to get alerts. Also the user *who be followed* have an action on you follow.
Eg: You want to get alert when user post an thread. So only user post an thread will trigger an alert to you.
Umm, Not sure if that should be an option. Maybe it'll result into a TON of messages. But what if we could combine all of the email notifications in a single mail and send it all at the end of the day; as a single email?
Its have an option so I will using Default XenForo send mail for each action! Its queued mail!
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