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Template Syntax 1.6.1b

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Good idea on the Zen Coding, I might do this.

What do you mean by implementing a code editor for members? What use would regular members have for a code editor?
Actually I think that in a software/hardware forum or a programming forum, people could use a separate editor box to insert the code. This feature could improve users' interests of the forum. More is better, right :D.
Is there a reason why you use a width of 660px for the edit field?

With auto width or width 100% it screws up when there are no tabs, I'm not sure why and I hadn't bothered to try and figure out why yet. I will look into it for the next update though.
How do you guys feel the maximizing feature should work? Personally I like it to just maximize the second the editor gets focus, and have it unmaximize when I click outside the editor, but I think this preference will differ highly per developer.

I could add a maximize link (icon), but I personally quite prefer the simplistic approach. Alternatively a keyboard shortcut would also be a possibility.

Let me know what your preferences are.
How do you guys feel the maximizing feature should work? Personally I like it to just maximize the second the editor gets focus, and have it unmaximize when I click outside the editor, but I think this preference will differ highly per developer.

I could add a maximize link (icon), but I personally quite prefer the simplistic approach. Alternatively a keyboard shortcut would also be a possibility.

Let me know what your preferences are.
I just like a maximize button to open a tab with full code in it, and when we save at the new tab, it's automatically appeared on the old window.
I just like a maximize button to open a tab with full code in it, and when we save at the new tab, it's automatically appeared on the old window.

Thanks, for now I've only implemented auto maximize and keybindings, personally not a big fan of adding a lot of UI elements. Will release a new version tonight, let me know if you feel the lack of a dedicated maximize button is debilitating.
Thanks, for now I've only implemented auto maximize and keybindings, personally not a big fan of adding a lot of UI elements. Will release a new version tonight, let me know if you feel the lack of a dedicated maximize button is debilitating.
Just a small suggest about Zen Coding. BTW, I am downloading your last version :D.
Error when install the last version:
 The specified add-on is older than the install version. Downgrading is not possible.

My apologies, seems I exported from the wrong dev environment.

Shouldn't affect anything else though. I will release a proper version this weekend with Zen Coding, till then you can just uninstall and reinstall rather than upgrade.
My apologies, seems I exported from the wrong dev environment.

Shouldn't affect anything else though. I will release a proper version this weekend with Zen Coding, till then you can just uninstall and reinstall rather than upgrade.
No, that's my fail, I install the old version and the error is true, of course. That's why I deleted the message and you cannot see it now.

By the way I have some comments about the version:
- On Google Chrome. maximize feature works correctly, key bindings seem to be working, too (I didn't test key binding fully). On Safari it does not display, key bindings do not work, either... I did not test on Firefox.
- Currently when I edit templates there is a small bug. When I edit a independent template, the edit box does not work correctly. But when I edit multiple templates, or edit a template with a dependent CSS template, the page displays fine.

Screen Shot 2012-03-30 at 9.41.51 PM.webpScreen Shot 2012-03-30 at 9.41.24 PM.webp

EDIT: On Firefox the maximize feature and key bindings work fine. But I found that there is minor bug about the scroll position (the X button and the y-axis scroll).

Screen Shot 2012-03-30 at 9.59.14 PM.webp
It's working fine for me on Safari, can you check if you have any errors in the error console? Also, what version of Safari are you using?
I'm on 5.1.4, doubt that one minor version would change much. Perhaps try clearing your cache?
Very odd, can you see in the Network tab of the Developer Tools if the javascript file is being loaded?
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