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Unmaintained Template Syntax 1.6.1b

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Screenshots pretty much explain what it does. If you want to get a feel for how it behaves, check out the CodeMirror demo's.

Aside from providing Syntax highlighting it has the following features:
  • Zen Code Completion
  • Format code
  • Emacs / VIM keymaps
  • Themes
  • "Save Template" keybinding
  • Maximized mode (fullscreen)
  • TMS integration
The following keybindings are available for you to use (aside from the ones that are configurable in the option screen)
  • Ctrl-F / Cmd-F - Start searching
  • Ctrl-G / Cmd-G - Find next
  • Shift-Ctrl-G / Shift-Cmd-G - Find previous
  • Shift-Ctrl-F / Cmd-Option-F - Replace
  • Shift-Ctrl-R / Shift-Cmd-Option-F - Replace all
Credits for the editor go to CodeMirror, credits for Zen Coding go to Sergey Chikuyonok.

This addon is released under the MIT license, so you are free to modify it in any way you wish. If you do, please push your changes back to the github repo so everyone can benefit from it.

This addon can be installed using the Add-On Installer by Chris Deeming.
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    Screen shot 2012-03-29 at 6.39.01 PM.webp
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 27 ratings

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Latest reviews

Love it! Much preferred to muddling around with WebDav and some outside editor. Only thing I wish worked was a full screen mode of some sort, but I'll take it! :) Great work!
This add-on is so useful in so many ways. Key bindings, syntax highlighting, auto code completion, etc. They are all so convenient for my development and even during production. Thanks a lot!
is convenience....
Great addon!
No more copy & pasting code to-and-from external editors! Chris Deeming was right when he said this was invaluable. The keybindings are icing on the cake.
Very useful for both development and production.
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 1.6.1b
Should be in XenForo core, great work dude !
Nice work. It works well on my forum.
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