Cannot reproduce Template editor slow performance in Safari.

Liam W

in memoriam 1998-2020
Affected version
The template editor is barely usable in Safari on macOS (macOS 10.13.3, Safari 11.0.3).

(Also, when scrolling the template editor, my MacBook makes a strange squeaking noise. I've got it on video, so I'm definitely not imagining it...)
Certainly not disbelieving you about the squeaking or anything else but I cannot reproduce this. I've opened some of the largest templates we have using macOS 10.13.4 and Safari 11.1 and it performs just as well as other browsers. That suggests there may be some sort of localised issue.
@DragonByte Tech thanks, I'm downloading the beta now. I like to wait for a few to be released for Mac before I update :)

Just to assure me of my own sanity, can other people hear the squeaking when I scroll?

@Liam W you have no idea how hard it is to resist saying "no" just to mess with you :P

Does your Mac have a spinner drive? It sounds very much like a HDD spinning sound to me.

Incidentally, the next release does include a CodeMirror update, but the change logs don't suggest that anything like this has been fixed.
@Liam W do you have a video which demonstrates the poor performance? @DragonByte Tech can you reproduce any of this (particularly the poor performance)?

That video above does actually show the poor performance, it's more obvious if I compare it to Chrome (scrolling is fast and instant).

I just upgraded to the 10.13.4 beta (with Safari 11.1), and the performance issues are still there. There are no issues in Chrome.

I just upgraded to the 10.13.4 beta (with Safari 11.1)
Off topic but I hope it releases soon, I have way too many iDevices that could benefit from Messages in iCloud :P But I've had way too much grief with betas in the past that I'm fighting the desire to install the betas :P

IMO if there is any performance difference, it seems negligible in my testing, and I can't particularly see anything in either video that equates to "barely usable".
IMO if there is any performance difference, it seems negligible in my testing, and I can't particularly see anything in either video that equates to "barely usable".

It gets worse as it's used, to the point where it takes several seconds to scroll a few lines in the editor. That's definitely barely usable.

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