Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

Tapatalk is sinking fast. I see a swell in the number of online complaints about them, especially lately.

I ditched their add-ons on my Xenforo forums years ago due to their "back door" into my server and database, circumventing each and every safety protocol built into Xenforo. It was a kludge to begin with. Unsafe, unsecure, and as many have noted, the product was full of bugs they chose not to fix, but rather, add on more features that we didn't request.

Good riddance.

I had a payment issue with them that took getting a third party involved, since they communicated nothing whenever I contacted them. This was back before I knew of their whole monetization scheme. Thankfully I got out of that, as it took months to get ~$1500 out of them. Dishonest company, and located outside the US, so there was no way for me to pursue them in court. And I was ready, especially since they crossed the threshold for small claims court. I know, I probably mentioned this already.

But it bears repeating, to raise awareness, and to encourage others to remove their product immediately.

I have said it before--all Xenforo needs is 1) a server task to push out the notifications, and 2) a tiny app to receive them on the phone. Anything else can be done responsive. I use Pushover to receive notifications, but it is an expensive service if you have a big board.
I stopped supporting Tapatalk for a while (see my earlier posts in this thread) and noticed a decline in forum activity after that.

Starting supporting Tapatalk again and find that they have made a lot of improvements. Greatly improved support. Also, overall forum activity is picking up now that I have reinstalled.

Seeing as how I was outspoken about things Tapatalk was doing poorly before, it's only right that I point out that they are doing things well from my standpoint right now.
I can confirm that with latest updates tapatalk is getting closer to a good forum app regarding UI, performance, etc. After years they are now doing some things right like support and hear what customers demand.
Tapatalk is sinking fast. I see a swell in the number of online complaints about them, especially lately.

I ditched their add-ons on my Xenforo forums years ago due to their "back door" into my server and database, circumventing each and every safety protocol built into Xenforo. It was a kludge to begin with. Unsafe, unsecure, and as many have noted, the product was full of bugs they chose not to fix, but rather, add on more features that we didn't request.

Good riddance.

I had a payment issue with them that took getting a third party involved, since they communicated nothing whenever I contacted them. This was back before I knew of their whole monetization scheme. Thankfully I got out of that, as it took months to get ~$1500 out of them. Dishonest company, and located outside the US, so there was no way for me to pursue them in court. And I was ready, especially since they crossed the threshold for small claims court. I know, I probably mentioned this already.

But it bears repeating, to raise awareness, and to encourage others to remove their product immediately.

I have said it before--all Xenforo needs is 1) a server task to push out the notifications, and 2) a tiny app to receive them on the phone. Anything else can be done responsive. I use Pushover to receive notifications, but it is an expensive service if you have a big board.

Hi. For Rudy -- I'm writing from Tapatalk's HQ, in sunny Santa Monica.

Since we started providing monetization for Forum Owners about 2 years ago, we have never has any issues making prompt payments. We post earnings every month, and as long as you have submitted your payment information, we make payments promptly by the 15th of the month. (And if we do not have your payment information, we hold payments and pay all back earnings as soon payment information is supplied). No third party has every contacted us regarding making payments, nor has there ever been a need for any 3rd part to contact us.

Do you have any details on the $1500 that was collected by a 3rd party?

I understand that Tapatalk is not going to a solution for every forum. The decision to install Tapatalk (or un-install) is up to you. And, admittedly, we have made mistakes in the past. But we have never had any issues being transparent and promptly paying all advertising earnings,
I can confirm that with latest updates tapatalk is getting closer to a good forum app regarding UI, performance, etc. After years they are now doing some things right like support and hear what customers demand.

Thank you for commenting on our efforts to make improvements and listen to feedback. We are working hard to meet the needs of both Site Owners and Users.
Is that why you implemented a chat system without telling anyone?
Of course it is - as if the premium app purchase wasn't enough, they appear to have wanted more money - by taking users from our forums for their own financial gain.... A chat outside of the forum owners control = instantly removed.

The above being my own opinion of course (edit)
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Tapatalk is sinking fast. I see a swell in the number of online complaints about them, especially lately.

I ditched their add-ons on my Xenforo forums years ago due to their "back door" into my server and database, circumventing each and every safety protocol built into Xenforo. It was a kludge to begin with. Unsafe, unsecure, and as many have noted, the product was full of bugs they chose not to fix, but rather, add on more features that we didn't request.

Good riddance.

I had a payment issue with them that took getting a third party involved, since they communicated nothing whenever I contacted them. This was back before I knew of their whole monetization scheme. Thankfully I got out of that, as it took months to get ~$1500 out of them. Dishonest company, and located outside the US, so there was no way for me to pursue them in court. And I was ready, especially since they crossed the threshold for small claims court. I know, I probably mentioned this already.

But it bears repeating, to raise awareness, and to encourage others to remove their product immediately.

I have said it before--all Xenforo needs is 1) a server task to push out the notifications, and 2) a tiny app to receive them on the phone. Anything else can be done responsive. I use Pushover to receive notifications, but it is an expensive service if you have a big board.

Couldn't have said it better. Removing TT was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Please correct me if I understood this wrong. Now I have to pay tapatalk to remove the tapatalk app popup on my site when visiting with mobile browser?
No you can enable debug mode and remove the template hook to get rid of that, but you have to do that every time you upgrade.

If you are a new TT admin, or add a new site, you have to pay to be able to disable the tapatalk signature for users who haven't disabled it themselves
I have to pay to tapatalk to remove a popup from my own site? :)

I have been keeping tapatalk but not promoting it for the small existing user base who cannot do without tapatalk.

Now I am gladly removing it.
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