Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

That sucks if thats the case with the sigs. I guess the best I can do is ask all using TT to turn off the signature. It dose work that way al least.
Maybe this is why they removed their addon from the official XenForo addon directory?

This new change is basically holding webmasters ransom. They already made it very hard to remove TT without members losing their attachments, etc. Now you need to pay for the removal of functions they imposed without consent in the first place. Its very sketchy behavior which I doubt would be appreciated here. Maybe pulling out of XenForo was a move to protect themselves.
Like it says, if you already were running Tapatalk, and had Signatures disabled, you are grandfathered in to the disabled setting. My guess is that if you didn't have that set that you can request it to be set.

As far as updating their addon, they suck at even telling forum owners that they updated things. I just logged on and found out I am 3 versions behind.

Maybe pulling out of XenForo was a move to protect themselves.
As they so eloquently explained, they have a hard time keeping up with all support issues when they are spread out across multiple sites. i.e. they have the inability to occasionally post "please post all issues to our support forum or ticket system, we don't monitor & resolve issues here"...that would be too simple and waaaaaay too difficult.
Like it says, if you already were running Tapatalk, and had Signatures disabled, you are grandfathered in to the disabled setting.

If that is the case, why would this happen?

Has anyone noticed recently the the the "Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk" is showing up again on their forums and I don't see the option to turn if off in the ACP anymore. Anyone else? I had that sig popping up all over my forum.

Seems like it didn't grandfather him into disabled.

I remember that even when there was a setting for disabling the "smart banner", there was a bug when it would show anyway. I'm not so confident anyone is going to get grandfathered properly.
If that is the case, why would this happen?
Good question. Log into your TT admin panel and see if it's set to "Enable" or the greyed-out "disable"

I remember that even when there was a setting for disabling the "smart banner", there was a bug when it would show anyway. I'm not so confident anyone is going to get grandfathered properly.
The Smart Banner is the thing that pops down at the top of the screen showing you that there is an app available. Google "smart banner" and look at images. This is not the same as the full-page mobile splash screen, that is the one that has the ACP option to disable that doesn't work - the one that can be disabled by removing the template hook via development mode.
See the answer here under the heading "Will I lose my Tapatalk users?" if you must uninstall.

For replacing the "Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk" text, use this add-on.

Quick Find:


Regular Expression:

/Sent from my (.+) using Tapatalk/i

No replacement. Make sure to test it 1st.

Another worrisome turn of events:
Apparently delisting your site and removing the software does not stop Tapatalk from trying to fetch your data.

You have no control over their access to your data so long as their code is installed. It is a direct route to your database.
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The impact is zero, because they cant reach it. But it indicates that they may still be holding onto our data. Years after they confirmed they removed the site and its data from their system. It doesnt make sense to try to fetch our website content if the site was removed from their records.
I received a newsletter from tapatalk. They now offer BYO for 10$/month.

BYO Update

Lower Price. No more app store submissions.

We saved the best news of the year for our last newsletter of the year. We have been listening to feedback on ways to improve the BYO program, the program that offers you a branded app for your site. We heard two themes; make BYO less expensive and also make it easier to manage app store submissions. Based on that feedback, we are announcing changes that make BYO far more affordable and easier to submit/update.

Introducing Premium - $10/mo.

We understand that BYO had two pain points: 1) cost and 2) hassle of submitting/updating the app through the app stores (plus the added cost of the developer licenses from Apple and Google). We’ve eliminated those pain points by centralizing the process, lowering the costs and eliminating the hassle.

With the new Premium option, Tapatalk will submit the your BYO branded app and updates through our developer account. You have all the benefits of the BYO branded app that you control, including:

· Your name and logo in the app stores (helping to attract new members through App Store SEO)
· Google App Indexing to improve your SEO rankings by Google (Available January, 2016)
· Control of advertising through DFP and AdMob
· WordPress Support
· Push Notifications
· Photo & Video Sharing in addition to Attachment support
· Smart Banner directing members to your BYO app
· Customization of tabs and colors
· No need to pay/renew for developer accounts at Apple/Google.

While BYO Premium will be on the Tapatalk developer account, the app and the members are yours. We will never email or contact any users of your BYO app. In the future, if you decide to move to Enterprise tier (see below), you will also be able to request app transfer back to your own developer account.

Enterprise - $40/mo

The Enterprise tier will work as BYO does today.

· You enjoy all the BYO app features, and Tapatalk will create a binary that you can submit through your developer accounts
· If you transition to Premium Tier, and later decide that you prefer Enterprise, Tapatalk will transfer the app back to your developer account and you just pay the higher subscription fee for Enterprise.

If you prefer to keep the Enterprise tier, but do not want deal with App Store submissions, you can also elect to use Total Web Systems to assist you. Total Web Systems can provide AppStoreUpload Assistance and have negotiated a 25% discount for their services for adopters of our BYO technology. Use Discount Coupon TAPA25 with AppStoreUpload before March 30, 2016 to to take advantage of this offer.

For both tiers, we do require that your forums also publish your forum in Tapatalk. We fully expect that you will direct your members to your BYO app, but we also want people to discover your great content in Tapatalk. And if you want to minimize exposure in Tapatalk, we also provide the ability to check “Do Not Promote” and your content will not be indexed in Tapatalk.

Premium Tier BYO available early January

We are busy preparing changes to the Tapatalk Dashboard to enable processing of the new BYO premium app. We plan to launch before mid-January. As soon as we are ready to launch, we will send an update.
Sounds like a desperate attempt to save a sinking ship.

Has anyone noticed recently the the the "Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk" is showing up again on their forums and I don't see the option to turn if off in the ACP anymore. Anyone else? I had that sig popping up all over my forum.

I got sick of that apple spam also; one more good reason to dump. I don't give a crap what anyone uses, nor do I want it cluttering up posts in my forums. Even there, it worked outside the default signature system that XF uses.

I think we're going to see massive numbers of forum owners uninstalling Tapatalk!

I don't know about massive, but many are wising up to their poorly developed product, the even worse support, and the back doors they leave open to our forums. It's a slow erosion, but it's happening. Admins are dumping it. Responsive design has made their product obsolete; push notifications can be done in other ways.
Sounds like a desperate attempt to save a sinking ship.

I got sick of that apple spam also; one more good reason to dump. I don't give a crap what anyone uses, nor do I want it cluttering up posts in my forums. Even there, it worked outside the default signature system that XF uses.

I don't know about massive, but many are wising up to their poorly developed product, the even worse support, and the back doors they leave open to our forums. It's a slow erosion, but it's happening. Admins are dumping it. Responsive design has made their product obsolete; push notifications can be done in other ways.
Responsive is junk. Not even close. Just look at the big boys like Facebook, Twitter and instagram. Follow the leaders, forums need to catch up with the times...People live from their phones...period. To squint and try to make responsive what it tries to be but isn't is ridiculous. Not wrapping the forum software around mobile is what will be the death of forums...Just my opinion.

Edit: I have no love for Tapatalk, its just no one has been smart enough to compete with them for some reason.
I was basing a lot of what I said on the vB TT code I looked at when dealing with multiple clients, I got a look at the XenForo code and it actually doesn't look half bad... there are other issues but this is a start.
Well this puts a spin on things...just got this news in my inbox- a forum competitor has offered an IOS/ Android app for your forum software and its customizable to your liking including ads - etc...maybe Xenforo will compete with the competition? ;)
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